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    Combined with UV Spectrum Analysis of Vaccine Carrier Protein

      Conjugate vaccine, also known as covalently linked vaccine, such as pneumococcal vaccine, belongs to a special type of vaccine. The working principle of conjugate vaccine is to combine small molecule antigens (usually polysaccharides) with large molecule carrier proteins, and these carrier proteins usually can induce a strong immune response. Vaccination with conjugate vaccines can not only produce a large number of antibodies, but also enhance the previous doses when vaccinated again, leading to faster production of antibodies, higher concentration, and stronger protective effect. Conjugate vaccines are now widely used in medicine, such as child immunization, influenza vaccines, and HPV vaccines, etc.


      Spectral technology is widely used to study the secondary structure of proteins, such as ultraviolet spectroscopy. The biggest advantage of this technology is that it is less time-consuming and can quickly obtain relevant information. Ultraviolet spectroscopy can obtain information about molecular structure and functional groups, which is very important for the development of conjugate vaccine carrier proteins. In addition, ultraviolet spectroscopy can be used to study the structure, stability, and folding state of conjugate vaccine carrier proteins. By measuring their absorption spectra in the ultraviolet region, information about their secondary and tertiary structures can be obtained.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides customers with drug quality research services that comply with global drug regulations. We provide you with a one-stop service for the ultraviolet spectroscopy analysis of conjugate vaccine carrier proteins. Ultraviolet spectroscopy can analyze substances with conjugated systems or specific functional groups.

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