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    Cytokinin (CTK) Analysis Service

      Cytokinins (CTKs) are a class of plant growth substances that promote cell division, or cytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots. They are involved in various physiological processes, including cell division, apical dominance, and leaf senescence. Due to their crucial roles in plant growth and development, abnormalities in cytokinin levels could lead to significant changes in plant phenotype, such as altered root and shoot architecture, delayed leaf senescence, and impaired response to environmental stimuli.



      Wu, W. et al. Hortic Res. 2021.

      Figure1. Schematic Model of CTK Biosynthesis, Metabolism, Degradation, and Signal Transduction


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize advanced LC-MS technology to perform precise quantitative analysis of cytokinins in various samples. Our cytokinin analysis service is both efficient and cost-effective, capable of advancing your research from gaining a deep understanding of plant growth regulatory mechanisms to enhancing crop health and yield. Through our professional services, you can effectively uncover the dynamic changes of cytokinins within plants and their adaptability to the environment, providing strong scientific support for crop improvement and ecological research.





      • Gaining New Insights into Plant Growth and Development
      • Plant Stress Responses
      • Plant-Environment Interactions
      • Exploring Cytokinin Signaling Pathways:
      • Increasing Crop Yield and Stress Resistance


      Service Advantages

      • Highly Efficient Sample Recovery and Processing
      • Accurate and Reliable Detection and Quantification
      • Capability to Handle Various Sample Types
      • Customized Data Analysis Services
      • Rapid Service Response and Cost-Effectiveness


      Sample Submission Requirements

      We can analyze a variety of biological materials, including but not limited to plant tissues and cells. If you need to ship your samples to us, please follow the requirements for different types of samples:

      • Plant tissue: 200mg per sample
      • Cells: 1x10⁷ per sample
      • Shipping condition: Dry ice



      1. Experimental scheme

      2. Instrumental factors of MS

      3. Raw data files of MS and MS data quality summary

      4. Bioinformatics analysis report


      With our advanced cytokinin metabolism determination LC-MS platform, professional bioinformatics analysis software, and a team of experienced technicians and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs provides custom-tailored cytokinin metabolism analysis services with rapid experimental procedures and easy-to-read reports to accelerate your scientific research.

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