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    De Novo Sequencing of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tissue

      Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a malignant tumor located in the head and neck, has a complex pathogenesis closely related to factors such as genetics, environment, and viral infections. Due to its hidden location and diverse clinical manifestations, it brings certain challenges to its early diagnosis and the choice of treatment plan. In this context, it is particularly important to perform de novo sequencing of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues. It can provide us with detailed information about the amino acid sequence of the protein in nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues, and provide an important theoretical basis for disease research, drug development and treatment.


      Why Is De Novo Sequencing So Important to Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma?

      The technique of de novo sequencing is the "gold standard" for a comprehensive understanding of the biological proteome. For a highly complex tumor like nasopharyngeal carcinoma, de novo sequencing can reveal its genetic background, pathogenic mutations, and potential treatment targets. This not only provides valuable research data for researchers, but also provides a strong reference for clinical doctors in treatment decisions.


      Interpretation of MtoZ Biolabs De Novo Sequencing Technology

      Among many biotech companies, MtoZ Biolabs is always at the forefront. For de novo sequencing of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues, we have the following advantages:


      1. Comprehensiveness

      Using the advanced high-resolution mass spectrometry Obitrap Fusion Lumos, it can comprehensively determine the amino acid sequence of proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues, revealing the structure and function of proteins.


      2. Accuracy

      By combining various cutting-edge technologies, we ensure that the results of de novo sequencing are highly accurate, with a coverage rate of up to 100% and a first-time amino acid accuracy rate of up to 95%, providing reliable data support for researchers.


      3. In-Depth Analysis

      Not only the basic protein sequence, but also further analysis of post-translational modifications, structural domains and other complex biological information.


      4. Low Sample Usage

      Only 100ug of sample is needed to complete the detection.


      With rich experience and strong technical capabilities, MtoZ Biolabs maintains a technical leading position in the field of protein de novo sequencing. Whether you are committed to basic research or drug development, we look forward to working with you to provide the strongest support for nasopharyngeal carcinoma research and treatment. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us!

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