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    Detection of Protein Deamidation Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

      Proteins are the central molecules of life, with their structure and function heavily influenced by specific post-translational modifications (PTMs). Deamidation is one of the most common PTMs, typically occurring at asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln) residues. The occurrence of deamidation can lead to alterations in protein structure and function, affecting protein stability, activity, and interactions with other molecules. Therefore, accurately detecting protein deamidation is crucial for understanding the biological functions of proteins and the mechanisms of disease.


      Procedure for Detection of Protein Deamidation via High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

      High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is widely used in proteomics research and has demonstrated powerful capabilities in detecting PTMs, particularly deamidation. Compared to traditional mass spectrometry methods, HRMS offers higher mass accuracy and resolution, enabling the distinction of deamidated peptides with a mass difference of only 0.984 Da, which is critical for the identification and quantification of deamidation.


      1. Sample Preparation and Preprocessing

      Protein sample preparation is a key step in mass spectrometry analysis. Samples typically undergo enzymatic digestion, such as trypsin digestion, which breaks down proteins into smaller peptides. The digested samples may be subjected to SDS-PAGE or liquid chromatography for fractionation and purification, which helps in the removal of interfering substances. To enhance the detection sensitivity of deamidated peptides, samples can also be subjected to enrichment processes, such as affinity capture techniques, to selectively enrich modified peptides.


      2. Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisition

      During data acquisition, HRMS instruments provide more accurate m/z (mass-to-charge) values, ensuring a higher match between detected peptide masses and theoretical masses, thus accurately identifying deamidation. The advantage of HRMS also lies in its ability to perform high-throughput analysis of complex samples, identifying thousands of peptides in a single analysis.


      3. Data Analysis and Interpretation

      Mass spectrometry data analysis is typically conducted using specialized software that identifies modification sites based on database searches and peptide fragmentation spectra. The mass change caused by deamidation is small, but HRMS can effectively distinguish these minor differences. Additionally, quantitative mass spectrometry techniques (e.g., isotope labeling methods) can be used to quantify the frequency of deamidation, providing strong support for studying its changes under different physiological and pathological conditions.



      Despite the significant advantages of HRMS in detecting protein deamidation, there are also challenges. First, the spontaneous nature of deamidation and the potential introduction of non-physiological modifications during sample preparation may lead to biased analysis results. Therefore, experimental design must consider minimizing the impact of these artificial factors. Second, the large amount of data generated by HRMS requires advanced bioinformatics tools for processing and analysis, necessitating corresponding computational skills for researchers.


      HRMS provides a powerful tool for detecting protein deamidation, holding great promise for application in proteomics research. By continuously optimizing mass spectrometry analysis methods and data processing techniques, future research is expected to reveal more in-depth insights into the function of deamidation in biological systems and its association with disease.

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