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    DIA Proten Omics

      Data-Independent Acquisition Proteomics (DIA) is an omics technology used to systematically analyze the proteins in biological samples. Compared with traditional Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) methods, DIA technology can analyze more proteins and peptides at the same time, improving the comprehensiveness and repeatability of detection.


      The working principle of DIA is: In mass spectrometry analysis, all peptides are uniformly scanned using a preset m/z (mass-to-charge ratio) window, rather than scanning specific peptides based on the results of the pre-scan. This method allows the simultaneous acquisition of information on all peptides in the sample, thus obtaining more comprehensive proteomic data.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Coverag

      Able to detect more proteins and peptides.


      2. High Repeatability

      Due to the consistency of the scanning method, the comparability between experiments is higher.


      3. Reduced Missed Detection

      It does not depend on the prior selection of peptides, reducing possible missed detections.


      However, DIA technology also has some limitations, such as the complexity of data processing and interpretation is higher, requiring more powerful data analysis tools and algorithms to handle large amounts of mass spectrometry data. In addition, the performance requirements of the instrument are also higher, requiring precise mass resolution and sensitivity.

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