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    Drug Mechanism of Action Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs provides drug mechanism of action analysis services, which are significant for new drug development and drug effect studies. Our research objects mainly focus on the biochemistry, pharmacology of drugs, and the biological processes related to diseases. By thoroughly studying and clarifying the mechanism of drug action in the body, we can better understand the therapeutic effect and potential side effects of drugs, thereby more accurately designing and optimizing drugs.


      Why Choose MtoZ Biolabs

      1. Advanced Technology:We use mass spectrometry metabolomics technology that can deeply analyze the drug action pathway at the molecular level and reveal the mechanism of drug action more accurately.

      2. Expert Team:Our team consists of a group of experienced research experts who have a solid theoretical basis and practical experience in the research of drug action mechanisms.

      3. Customized Service:We provide one-to-one consultation services and provide customized solutions according to the research objectives and needs of customers.


      Analysis Workflow


      Drug Mechanism of Action Analysis Service1.jpg



      • New Drug Development:Understanding the mechanism of drug action is very important in the development of new drugs.
      • Drug Optimization:By understanding the mechanism of drug action, drugs can be optimized to improve efficacy and reduce side effects.


      Sample Submission Requirements


      1. Sample Types:Blood, urine, tissue samples, etc.


      2. Sample Quantity:Please provide sufficient sample volume to ensure the accuracy of the experiment.


      3. Sample Preservation:Please freeze the samples immediately after collection to ensure the quality of the samples.


      We look forward to partnering with you. If you have any questions or needs, feel free to contact us.

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