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    Duck Eggshell Protein Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Analysis

      The duck eggshell is a natural structure composed of complex minerals and protein networks, which have a significant impact on the mechanical and functional properties of the eggshell. MtoZ Biolabs, based on protein circular dichroism analysis technology, provides efficient and accurate solutions for the study of protein structure in duck eggshells.


      Technical Explanation

      MtoZ Biolabs has established a circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy analysis platform based on CD spectrophotometer. The instrument is equipped with temperature control and titration modules, which can deeply study the effects of temperature, pH, ion strength, and other factors on the folding state and stability of duck egg proteins.


      Services at Mtoz Biolabs

      We can provide, but not limited to:


      1. Determine the Conformational Changes of Duck Egg Proteins Under Refolding and PH Conditions, and Even Their Affinity for Ligand Interactions

      2. Determine the Changes in the Secondary Structure of Duck Egg Proteins or Peptides Caused by Kinetics or Thermodynamics

      3. Obtain Data on Duck Egg Protein Folding and Conformational Studies (Secondary Structure)

      4. Preliminary Detection of Target Proteins Before Crystal Growth or NMR Analysis


      Service Advantages

      1.  Sample Specificity

      Our method first extracts proteins from duck egg shells and pays special attention to maintaining their original conformation and activity, which is crucial for subsequent structural analysis.


      2. High Sensitivity

      Protein circular dichroism analysis technology can sensitively detect the structural changes of proteins under the influence of different environmental factors (such as pH, temperature, metal ions, etc.), providing a powerful tool for understanding the stability and function of proteins in eggshells.


      3. Comprehensiveness

      This technology can not only assess the secondary structure of proteins, but also reveal the interactions between proteins, which is crucial for understanding the complex proteomics structure of eggshells.


      4. Quantitative Ability

      In combination with other biophysical methods, we can accurately quantify the conformational changes of proteins, providing accurate data support for eggshell quality control and functional research.


      MtoZ Biolabs has rich experience and profound professional knowledge in the field of protein circular dichroism analysis. Our team is committed to providing high-quality, customized analysis solutions to meet your research needs. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us!

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