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    Elaidic Acid Analysis Service

      Elaidic acid is a trans fatty acid, specifically the trans isomer of oleic acid. It is primarily found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are often used in processed foods to enhance shelf life and stability. Unlike its cis counterpart, oleic acid, elaidic acid has been associated with adverse health effects, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and insulin resistance. Structurally, elaidic acid features a double bond in the trans configuration, which contributes to its linear shape and distinct physical properties, such as a higher melting point.




      Figure 1. The Structure of Elaidic Acid


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide a comprehensive elaidic acid analysis service using our advanced mass spectrometry platforms. Our goal is to help researchers and industries accurately quantify elaidic acid in different samples, providing reliable data for pathophysiological studies, food safety, and product development.


      Our elaidic acid analysis service applies the advanced ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) platform. This platform allows the precise separation, identification, and quantification of elaidic acid. Our sample preparation process includes lipid extraction, sample purification, and derivatization to enhance the detection sensitivity.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      1. Advanced Platform

      Utilizes advanced UPLC-MS/MS technology to offer highly sensitive and accurate measurements, suitable for detecting elaidic acid.


      2. Expert Team

      Experienced scientists and bioinformaticians offer professional data interpretation.


      3. Comprehensive Data Analysis

      In-depth data interpretation and visualization are provided, complementing basic quantification services.


      4. Fast Turnaround

      The process from sample handling to report generation is efficient, shortening the analysis cycle.



      Our elaidic acid analysis service is applicable in various fields:

      • Biomedical Research: Understanding the role of elaidic acid in pathophysiology.
      • Food Industry: Quantifying elaidic acid for product labeling and quality control.
      • Pharmaceuticals: Monitoring elaidic acid levels in drug metabolism studies.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Type of samples: Plasma, serum, cell, tissue, etc.
      • Quantity: At least 200 μl liquid, 1 x 10⁷ cells, or 200 mg tissue.

      For detailed information on sample submission, please contact our customer service.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Elaidic Acid Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing you with high-quality elaidic acid analysis services to contribute to your research and product development. For more information, please contact us.

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