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    Fluorescence Spectroscopy Analysis of Peptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs refer to short protein chains synthesized using specific amino acid sequences, which have the potential to treat various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and more. Peptide drugs have specific biological activities and mechanisms of action, usually interacting with specific receptors or enzymes in the body to regulate physiological or pathological processes.


      Fluorescence spectroscopy is an effective method for studying the conformation of peptide drug molecules. It is also an important research tool for investigating the real-time structure and dynamics of proteins/peptides in solution and under a microscope. Spontaneous fluorescence spectroscopy, in particular, is widely used in peptide drug research. Spontaneous fluorescence spectroscopy refers to the phenomenon where proteins spontaneously emit fluorescence without an external excitation light source, and the properties and structure of the substance are studied by measuring the intensity and wavelength distribution of the fluorescence. Through fluorescence spectroscopy analysis, we can obtain valuable information about the structure, dynamics, microenvironment, and interactions with other molecules of peptides.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides a one-stop peptide drug fluorescence spectroscopy analysis service. This technology can detect structural changes or the binding of two molecules by changing the fluorescence intensity; it can also locate tryptophan residues (on the surface or buried deep inside proteins/peptides) through the wavelength of tryptophan fluorescence; it can also study the migration rate of fluorescent groups through fluorescence polarization and anisotropy.

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