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    Gibberellin A19 Analysis Service

      Gibberellin A19 is a type of gibberellin, a group of diterpenoid acids that function as plant growth regulators. They play crucial roles in plant development, affecting diverse aspects such as seed germination, stem elongation, flowering, and fruiting. Their study is of significant interest due to their importance in plant biology and potential applications in agriculture and horticulture.


      Understanding the role and function of Gibberellin A19 in plant growth regulation is essential for plant breeders, biotechnologists, and farmers aiming to improve crop yield, plant health, and resilience to environmental stresses. The accurate analysis of Gibberellin A19 levels can provide valuable insights into plant growth regulation and aid in the development of strategies for enhanced agricultural productivity.




      Figure 1. The Structure of Gibberellin A19


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide a comprehensive analysis of Gibberellin A19 using advanced HPLC-MS/MS systems. We are equipped to handle a wide range of sample types, ensuring a high reproducibility and accuracy in our analysis.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Continuously optimized experimental protocols and analysis software
      • Professional experimental design
      • Rapid turnaround time
      • High accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity



      Our service can support a variety of applications, including:

      • Plant biology research
      • Crop improvement
      • Agriculture and horticulture


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Sample Type: Plant tissues, seeds, or fruits.
      • Minimum Quantity: 1 g fresh weight.

      Please contact us for detailed sample submission guidelines.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Gibberellin A19

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Choose MtoZ Biolabs for reliable, precise, and fast Gibberellin A19 analysis service. Feel free to contact us for more information about this service.

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