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    Gibberellin A34 Analysis Service

      Gibberellin A34, a group of tetracyclic diterpenoid acid, is one of the key phytohormones. Gibberellin A34, in particular, plays a significant role in various stages of plant development, including seed germination, stem elongation, leaf expansion, and flowering. The biosynthesis and metabolism of Gibberellin A34 are complex processes that are tightly regulated within plant systems. Understanding these pathways is essential for deciphering how Gibberellin A34 influences plant growth and development. Moreover, Gibberellin A34 has been implicated in the fine-tuning of growth responses under different environmental conditions, making it a key molecule of interest in both basic and applied plant sciences.




      Figure 1. The Structure of Gibberellin A34


      At MtoZ Biolabs, our highly trained team of scientists offer robust and reliable Gibberellin A34 Analysis Service. Our analyses are not limited to just quantifying Gibberellin A34, but also profiling it along with other related metabolites.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: We accept different types of plant samples including leaves, stems, roots, and fruits.

      2. Metabolite Extraction: Metabolites are extracted using latest technologies ensuring minimal sample degradation.

      3. HPLC-MS Analysis: Using our advanced HPLC-MS platforms, we perform comprehensive analysis.

      4. Data Processing: Data is processed and analyzed using our proprietary software and algorithms.

      5. Report: A detailed report including methodology, results, and discussion is provided.




      Service Advantages

      • Continuously optimized experimental protocols and analysis software
      • Professional experimental design
      • Rapid turnaround time
      • High accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity



      • Facilitating the breeding of crops with optimized growth by manipulating Gibberellin A34 levels
      • Enhancing the understanding of Gibberellin A34's physiological impacts under varying environmental conditions
      • Uncovering the specific roles of Gibberellin A34 in plant growth and development
      • Deciphering the biosynthesis pathways and metabolic mechanisms of Gibberellin A34


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Sample Type: Plant tissues (such as leaves, seeds, roots, stems) and other biological samples.
      • Sample Quantity: ≥ 1 g (fresh weight)
      • Shipping Conditions: Flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen, and shipped on dry ice
      • More than 3 biological replicates should be prepared.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Gibberellin A34

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing high-quality, comprehensive services for metabolomics research. Contact us for your Gibberellin A34 Analysis requirements and let our expertise accelerate your research.

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