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    Gibberellins (GA) Analysis Service

      Gibberellins (GAs), a group of tetracyclic diterpenoid plant hormones, play critical roles in various developmental processes, including seed germination, stem elongation, leaf expansion, and flower and fruit development. Moreover, these hormones are widely used in agriculture to improve crop yield and quality. However, their synthesis and metabolism are complex and require sophisticated methods to accurately measure their levels and distribution within plant tissues.



      Kwon, C T.  Int J Mol Sci. 2016.

      Figure1. Role of Gibberellins in Spikelet Development


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, our scientists utilize advanced HPLC-MS systems for targeted metabolite profiling of GAs in a variety of samples. Our reliable, rapid, and cost-effective GA Analysis Services are designed to accelerate your research goals, from understanding plant growth and development to improving crop production and quality. Our service will be customized to your specific samples and needs to achieve the best results.





      • Identifying new biological markers for plant growth and development
      • Enhancing crop yield and quality
      • Accelerating the development of GA-based agrochemicals
      • Gaining new insights into the mechanisms of GA metabolism and action


      Service Advantages

      • Continuously optimized experimental protocols and analysis software
      • Professional experimental design
      • Rapid turnaround time
      • High accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity


      Sample Requirements

      We can analyze a variety of biological materials, including but not limited to plant tissues and cells. For sending samples to us, please follow the requirements for different types of samples:

      • Plant tissue: 200mg per sample
      • Cells: 1x107 per sample
      • Shipping conditions: Dry ice



      1. Experimental scheme

      2. Instrumental parameters of HPLC

      3. Raw data files of HPLC and summary of HPLC data quality

      4. Bioinformatics analysis report


      Leveraging on our advanced GA profiling HPLC platform, professional bioinformatics analysis software, and experienced technical staff and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs provides tailor-made GA analysis services with fast experimental procedures and easy-to-read reports to accelerate your scientific research.

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