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    Glyphosate and Metabolites Analysis

      Glyphosate is a non-selective, systemic herbicide widely used in agriculture, forestry, urban and home applications. Its mechanism of action involves the disruption of the shikimate pathway, which is not present in animals, thus initially deemed safe for non-target organisms. However, extensive use has raised concerns about its environmental persistence, potential health effects, and the emergence of glyphosate-resistant weed species. As glyphosate breaks down, it forms several metabolites, including aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Both glyphosate and AMPA are frequently detected in soils, ground and surface waters. Monitoring the levels of Glyphosate and its metabolites is important in evaluating the ecological and potential health risks.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers a comprehensive Glyphosate and Metabolites Analysis service, utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques to provide accurate and reliable data on the presence and concentration of glyphosate and its metabolites in various matrices. Our service supports environmental scientists, regulatory agencies, and agricultural professionals in their efforts to monitor and manage the impact of this widely used herbicide.


      Analysis Workflow

      Our analysis workflow includes: Sample Collection, Sample Preparation, LC-MS Analysis, Data Processing and Analysis, Report Generation





      • Environmental Monitoring: Assessing the levels of glyphosate and its metabolites in soil, water, and air to understand their environmental impact and persistence.
      • Food Safety: Ensuring that residues in agricultural products do not exceed regulatory limits, protecting consumer health.
      • Human Health: Investigating the potential health effects associated with chronic exposure to glyphosate and its metabolites.
      • Regulatory Compliance: Supporting adherence to international guidelines and standards for pesticide residues.
      • Resistance Management: Monitoring and managing the development of glyphosate-resistant weed species to sustain its efficacy in agriculture.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      We accept various types of samples including soil, water, food, and more. For detailed information on sample submission, please contact our customer service team.


      For more information on our Glyphosate and Metabolites Analysis service or any of our other offerings, please contact us. We look forward to serving your research needs.

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