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    ICP Chemical Analysis Service

      ICP chemical analysis is an advanced analytical technique known for its high sensitivity and ability to simultaneously detect multiple elements. It is widely applied in environmental monitoring, food safety, life sciences, and materials science. ICP chemical analysis precisely quantifies the concentrations of metallic and non-metallic elements in samples, enabling researchers and industrial professionals to gain detailed insights into elemental composition and potential biological effects. This technique effectively addresses the limitations of traditional methods in terms of sensitivity and multi-element detection.


      As an industry-leading bioanalytical service provider, MtoZ Biolabs offers the high-precision, high-sensitivity ICP Chemical Analysis Service, utilizing the state-of-the-art iCAP RQ ICP-MS instrument. Our service is supported by an experienced technical team and a robust service framework, ensuring superior analytical results across scientific research, industry, and environmental sectors.


      Technical Principles

      ICP Chemical Analysis Service leverages Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) technology to precisely analyze various elements in samples. This technique transforms samples into an ionic state within plasma and separates and detects the resulting ions using a mass spectrometer based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z).

      In this process, the sample is first atomized into an aerosol via a nebulizer and then exposed to a high-temperature plasma, where it undergoes excitation and ionization. The generated ions are subsequently directed into the mass spectrometer for detection and analysis.

      By combining the high-temperature excitation capability of the plasma source with the mass spectrometer's high-resolution detection capacity, ICP-MS enables highly accurate measurements of trace elements, even at extremely low concentrations. This makes it particularly suitable for analyzing complex samples across diverse scientific and industrial applications.


      MtoZ Biolabs-ICP Chemical Analysis Service1

      Aceto, M. Advances in Food Traceability Techniques and Technologies. 2016.

      Figure 1. The Principle of ICP-MS


      Technical Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity: Detects trace elements at ppt (parts per trillion) levels, ideal for ultra-trace analysis.

      2. Multi-Element Detection: Simultaneously quantifies multiple elements, enhancing efficiency and data comprehensiveness.

      3. Rapid and Efficient: Provides high-throughput capabilities, enabling fast multi-element analysis.


      Analysis Workflow

      Our ICP chemical analysis service follows a meticulously designed workflow to ensure the highest level of precision and consistency in every analysis:

      1. Sample Preparation

      Samples (liquid, solid, or gas) undergo pre-treatment processes such as acid digestion, dilution, or extraction to ensure compatibility with ICP-MS analysis.

      2. Sample Introduction and Analysis

      Treated samples are aerosolized via a nebulizer and introduced into ICP-MS system for excitation and ionization.

      3. Data Acquisition and Processing

      Real-time ion signal intensities are recorded, and specialized software processes the mass spectrometry data to calculate element concentrations.

      4. Report Generation

      Comprehensive quantitative reports are produced, detailing element concentrations, standard deviations, and detection limits, ensuring data accuracy and traceability.


      Why Choose MtoZ Biolabs?

      1. Advanced Analysis Platform: MtoZ Biolabs established an advanced ICP chemical analysis platform, guaranteeing reliable, fast, and highly accurate analysis service.

      2. One-Time-Charge: Our pricing is transparent, no hidden fees or additional costs.

      3. High-Data-Quality: Deep data coverage with strict data quality control. AI-powered bioinformatics platform integrate all ICP chemical analysis data, providing clients with a comprehensive data report.



      ICP chemical analysis service delivers precise elemental analysis across multiple industries, offering reliable data for diverse analytical needs:

      • Environmental Analysis: Detects heavy metal pollutants in water, soil, and air.
      • Food Safety: Measures heavy metals and trace elements in food.
      • Materials Science: Analyzes alloys, electronic materials, and other advanced materials.
      • Clinical Medicine: Quantifies elements in blood and urine, identifying potential deficiencies or toxicity.


      Case Study

      Case 1

      The study employed ICP-MS/MS technology combined with chemical separation to accurately detect trace plutonium isotopes (at femtogram levels) in environmental and forensic samples, even under high uranium background concentrations. Effective chemical separation eliminated uranium interference, while the high resolution and sensitivity of ICP-MS/MS enabled precise quantification. This approach highlights the core strength of ICP chemical analysis in analyzing ultra-trace substances within complex matrices, offering efficient solutions for nuclear environmental monitoring, material tracking, and forensic investigations.

       MtoZ Biolabs-ICP Chemical Analysis Service2

      Hou, X. l. et al. Anal. Chem. 2019.


      Case 2

      The study employed ICP-MS/MS combined with chemical separation techniques to accurately measure the concentration of ¹³⁵Cs and the isotope ratio of ¹³⁵Cs/¹³⁷Cs in nuclear decommissioning waste samples. Through chemical separation, interfering nuclides (e.g., barium and uranium) were successfully removed, significantly improving analytical sensitivity and data accuracy. The results provided reliable data support for nuclear waste management and pollution assessment, highlighting the core application value of ICP chemical analysis in complex radioactive sample analysis.


      MtoZ Biolabs-ICP Chemical Analysis Service3

      Zhu, L. et al. Talanta. 2021.



      Q1: What are common interference factors in ICP-MS, and how are they addressed? 

      In complex samples, interference can arise from matrix effects, space charge effects, and coexisting elements. MtoZ Biolabs addresses these through optimized sample preparation (e.g., dilution, ion-exchange separation, and internal standard calibration) and advanced software algorithms, ensuring reliable and accurate results.


      MtoZ Biolabs leverages advanced ICP chemical analysis technology to deliver accurate, efficient, and reliable analytical solutions across industries. From sample preparation to detailed reporting, we offer comprehensive services designed to support your research and business objectives. Contact us today to learn more about our ICP Chemical Analysis Service and experience unparalleled analytical excellence.

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