ICP-MS Determination of Mercury
ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) is a highly versatile analytical technique used to quantify elemental concentrations and isotopic ratios with exceptional sensitivity and precision. Its capability to detect a wide range of elements with high accuracy has made ICP-MS an indispensable tool in fields such as environmental science, geology, biology, and materials science.
Outlined below are the steps involved in the quantification of mercury using ICP-MS:
1. Sample Preparation
Initially, samples must be properly processed to extract mercury, typically through acid or microwave digestion. Subsequently, samples should be filtered using appropriate filters to eliminate any solid particles that might interfere with ICP-MS analysis.
2. Preparation of Standard Solutions
To accurately quantify mercury content within samples, it is essential to prepare a series of standard solutions with known mercury concentrations. These solutions calibrate the ICP-MS instrument and facilitate the creation of a mercury calibration curve.
3. ICP-MS Analysis
Following calibration, samples are introduced into the ICP-MS system for analysis. This process generally involves nebulizing the sample and introducing it into an inductively coupled plasma, where ionization occurs. The resulting ions are examined using mass spectrometry to ascertain both the elemental composition and concentration.
4. Data Processing
Data interpretation and processing are executed using specialized software. This process typically involves employing the mercury calibration curve to determine sample mercury concentrations, alongside conducting requisite quality control assessments.
It is important to note that mercury is volatile, necessitating sample preparation and analysis within a closed system to prevent mercury loss. Also, due to typically low mercury concentrations, a highly sensitive ICP-MS instrument is crucial for achieving accurate measurement results.
MtoZ Biolabs, an integrated chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS) services provider.
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