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    Jasmonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid Analysis Service

      Jasmonyl-1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid (JA-ACC) is an essential metabolite in the plant hormonal network. This compound plays a crucial role as a precursor in the biosynthesis of ethylene, a hormone critical for various physiological processes, including fruit ripening, stress responses, and plant growth regulation. The dynamic interplay between JA-ACC and other hormonal signals influences key processes such as stress adaptation, pathogen defense, and developmental processes in plants. Accurate measurement of JA-ACC levels in plant tissues can provide critical insights into hormonal signaling pathways and their impact on plant health and productivity. Understanding these interactions is vital for advancing agricultural strategies and enhancing crop resilience to environmental stresses.




      Figure 1. The Structure of Jasmonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid


      MtoZ Biolabs offers a comprehensive Jasmonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Analysis Service. We utilize advanced Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-TQ-MS) to achieve high-resolution and accurate quantification of JA-ACC in plant samples. This service enables researchers to elucidate the complex interactions between these hormones and their roles in plant biology.


      Analysis Workflow 

      1. Sample Preparation: We accept various types of plant samples including leaves, fruits, roots, and stems.

      2. Metabolite Extraction: Metabolites are extracted using optimized protocols.

      3. UPLC-TQ-MS Analysis: The extracted samples are analyzed in our state-of-the-art UPLC-TQ-MS system.

      4. Data Processing and Analysis: The raw data is processed and analyzed using sophisticated bioinformatics tools.

      5. Reporting: Detailed analytical report with results and observations is provided.




      Service Advantages

      • Expert Team: Our team of experienced scientists ensure reliable and accurate results.
      • Advanced Technology: We use cutting-edge technology for high-throughput and accurate analysis.
      • Customized Solutions: We offer personalized solutions to meet specific research needs.
      • Data Security: We provide secure storage and transfer of data.



      • Plant physiology and pathology research
      • Crop improvement and disease resistance studies
      • Environmental stress response studies


      Sample Submission Requirements

      We can analyze a range of plant materials including but not limited to leaves, stem, flowers, and fruits. If you need to ship samples to us, please follow the requirements for different types of samples:

      • Leaves/Stem: 200mg/sample
      • Flowers/Fruits: 500mg/sample
      • Shipping Condition: Dry Ice



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Jasmonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing the highest quality Jasmonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid Analysis service to aid your research. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you with any queries regarding our services. Feel free to contact us for more information!

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