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    Key Methods for Protein Sequence Analysis: Deciphering the Fundamental Composition of Biomolecules

      Protein Sequence Determination Methods

      Protein sequence determination is the foundation of protein sequence analysis. The commonly used protein sequence determination methods include:


      1. Sanger Sequencing

      Sanger sequencing is a classic sequencing method, which determines the amino acids in the protein sequence one by one through DNA synthesis reaction. This method is highly accurate and reliable, but the sequencing speed is relatively slow, suitable for small-scale protein sequence determination.


      2. High-Throughput Sequencing Technology

      With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, such as Illumina sequencing and Ion Torrent sequencing, the speed and scale of protein sequence determination have been greatly improved. These technologies can simultaneously sequence a large number of protein sequences, providing powerful tools for large-scale proteomics research.


      Protein Sequence Analysis Methods

      Protein sequence analysis is a further study and analysis of protein sequences to reveal their structure and function. The commonly used protein sequence analysis methods include:


      1. Sequence Alignment

      Sequence alignment is a method to compare the protein sequence under analysis with known protein sequences to find similar regions and conserved amino acid residues. Commonly used sequence alignment tools include BLAST and ClustalW, which can help researchers determine the homology and evolutionary relationship of protein sequences.


      2. Secondary Structure Prediction

      The secondary structure of a protein refers to the spatial arrangement of amino acid residues in the protein, including α-helix, β-fold, and random coil structures. Through secondary structure prediction methods, the structure and function of proteins can be inferred. Common tools for secondary structure prediction include PSIPRED and GOR.


      3. Functional Annotation

      Functional annotation is a method to predict and annotate the function of protein sequences to understand the biological function of proteins. Functional annotation methods include sequence-based function prediction, structural genomics, and protein interaction network analysis. These methods can help researchers understand the function and interaction network of proteins.


      Applications of Protein Sequence Analysis

      Protein sequence analysis has a wide range of applications in the field of biotechnology, including drug development, disease diagnosis, and genetic engineering.


      1. Drug Development

      Protein sequence analysis can help researchers understand the mechanism of interaction between drugs and target proteins, thereby accelerating the drug development process. Through the analysis of protein sequences and structures, drug molecules with more selectivity and efficacy can be designed.


      2. Disease Diagnosis

      Protein sequence analysis can help researchers discover protein biomarkers related to diseases, providing strategies for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. By comparing the differences in protein sequences between patients and healthy people, potential disease-related genes and proteins can be discovered.


      3. Genetic Engineering

      Protein sequence analysis can provide important information and guidance for genetic engineering. By analyzing the sequence and structure of proteins, proteins with specific functions and properties can be designed for use in the fields of bioengineering and biopharmaceuticals.


      Protein sequence analysis is one of the key methods to decipher the basic composition of biomolecules. Through protein sequence determination and analysis, the structure and function of proteins can be revealed, providing important information and guidance for fields such as drug development, disease diagnosis, and genetic engineering. With the continuous development of technology, protein sequence analysis will play an increasingly important role in the field of biotechnology.

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