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    LC-MS Analysis of Pull-down Proteins

      Pull-down experiments are widely applied methods to study protein-protein interactions, allowing for the capture and isolation of target proteins and their interacting partners. These proteins can then be identified and quantified through mass spectrometry methods, providing a powerful tool for understanding the function and interaction of proteins.


      LC-MS analysis of pull-down proteins combines the advantages of pull-down experiments and LC-MS for efficient, accurate, and reliable protein identification. Firstly, the target protein and its binding partners are enriched and separated from complex biological samples through pull-down experiments. Then, these proteins are enzymatically digested and eluted to get peptides. Finally, the peptides are separated and identified by LC-MS to obtain the identification and quantification information of proteins.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes the CST pull-down analysis kit, combined with an advanced UPLC-MS platform, to provide fast and accurate pull-down protein analysis services. Our service process includes:


      1. Sample processing: Extract total proteins, quantify, and control quality.

      2. Experimental design: Choose suitable beads and construct the pull-down system.

      3. Protein Enrichment: Enrich the target protein and its binding partners from the total protein through specific antibodies.

      4. Peptide preparation: Enzymatically digest and elute the enriched proteins to get peptides.

      5. LC-MS analysis: Separate and identify peptides by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

      6. Data analysis: Perform protein identification, quantification, and bioinformatics analysis.


      Analysis of Pull-down Proteins.png


      Service Advantages





      1. Pharmaceutical R&D: Find new drug targets and study drug action mechanisms.
      2. Basic biological research: Research the function and interaction of proteins.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Quantity: At least 2mg of total protein.
      2. Sample Purity: Protein purity should reach at least 90%.
      3. Provide Accurate Sample Information: Including sample source, processing methods, etc.



      1. Experiment Procedures

      2. Parameters of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer

      3. MS Raw Data Files

      4. Peptide Identifications and Intensity

      5. Protein Identifications and Intensity


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