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    Ligand Binding Assay Service

      Ligand binding assay is a essential tool for investigating molecular interactions, especially for measuring the binding properties between ligands and receptors or antibodies and antigens. By precisely quantifying binding affinity, kinetics, and dissociation rates, ligand binding assay provides critical insights into the mechanisms of molecular interactions. This analysis supports key areas such as drug development, protein function studies, antibody screening, and biomarker discovery. 


      MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive ligand binding assay service using advanced platforms to deliver high-quality experimental data. Our services assist clients in optimizing drug candidates, screening target antibodies, and providing molecular-level analysis in disease mechanism studies, facilitating scientific progress and innovation.


      MtoZ Biolabs-Ligand Binding Assay Service1

      Zou, L. L. et al. J. Bioanal. Biomed. 2020.

      Figure 1. Schematic Principles of Ligand Binding Assay


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers a full spectrum of ligand binding assay service utilizing both labeled and unlabeled techniques to meet various research needs. Whether for drug screening, receptor studies, or the development of new molecules, we provide tailored solutions based on the unique requirements of each project.

      1. Labeled Ligand Binding Assay

      1.1 Fluorescence Labeling
      Fluorescence labeling is one of the most widely used and effective methods for ligand binding assay, particularly in high-throughput screening (HTS) and early drug development. This technique involves labeling ligands or receptors with fluorescent molecules, and binding affinity is measured through fluorescence excitation and emission. It offers high sensitivity and precision, making it ideal for rapid screening of large numbers of samples.


      1.2 Radioactive Labeling
      Radioactive labeling is a classic and accurate technique used in ligand binding assay, especially when dealing with low concentrations of ligands or complex samples. By labeling ligands with radioactive isotopes, this method provides precise measurements of ligand-receptor binding kinetics and affinity, with broad applications in drug screening, receptor quantification, and early-stage drug efficacy evaluation.


      1.3 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
      The ELISA technique enables the capture and quantification of ligand-receptor binding on a solid-phase substrate, with results revealed through an enzymatic reaction. This method is simple, reliable, and particularly suited for high-throughput screening of proteins and small molecules. Its versatility has led to widespread use in various research fields, including vaccine development and immunology.


      2. Unlabeled Ligand Binding Assay

      2.1 Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
      SPR is a label-free, high-sensitivity technique for studying ligand binding. It monitors changes in optical signals during ligand-receptor binding in real-time, allowing for the precise measurement of binding affinity, kinetics, and characteristics. The key advantage of SPR is that it preserves the natural state of both ligand and receptor, making it widely used in drug development, antibody screening, and protein-protein interaction research.


      2.2 Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
      ITC measures the heat released or absorbed during ligand-receptor binding, providing accurate data on binding affinity, constants, and thermodynamic parameters. It offers the most direct binding information without labeling and is ideal for studying protein-small molecule interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, and antibody-antigen binding.


      2.3 Mass Spectrometry (MS)
      Mass spectrometry detects changes in mass upon ligand-receptor binding, providing highly accurate molecular-level analysis. This method allows for precise quantification of binding strength, binding sites, and kinetics, making it suitable for detailed studies in complex systems.


      Service Advantages

      MtoZ Biolabs offers the following key benefits through its ligand binding assay services:

      • High Throughput & Sensitivity: Supports large-scale, rapid screening to meet the high sensitivity required in early drug development stages.
      • Precise Binding & Kinetic Analysis: Provides reliable data on ligand-receptor interactions, offering a deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms.
      • Flexible Labeled & Unlabeled Methods: Combines both labeled and unlabeled techniques to cater to diverse research needs and ensure accurate, comprehensive results.
      • Customized Solutions: Delivers flexible, tailored services that span from basic research to preclinical development.


      Case Study

      Case 1

      SPR-based ligand binding assay enabled the rapid screening of high-affinity antibodies for the development of a high-sensitivity hazelnut allergen detection prototype.

       MtoZ Biolabs-Ligand Binding Assay Service2

      Ross, G. et al. Biosensors. 2018.


      Case 2

      Using ligand binding assay, this study identified and validated potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets related to neurodegenerative diseases, highlighting its importance in understanding disease mechanisms.


      MtoZ Biolabs-Ligand Binding Assay Service3 

      Kenzelmann, A. et al. Biomedicines. 2024.


      Q1: What sample types are suitable for ligand binding assay?

      Our ligand binding assay service can be applied to a wide range of biological samples, including recombinant proteins, cell lysates, serum, plasma, membrane proteins, and small molecules. MtoZ Biolabs ensures highly sensitive and reliable data from diverse sample types, facilitating in-depth analysis from basic research to clinical applications.


      Q2: How does ligand binding assay aid in drug screening?

      Ligand binding assay provides critical affinity and kinetic data for drug screening. By measuring parameters like KD, association rate (k_on), and dissociation rate (k_off), ligand binding assay helps identify promising drug candidates, improving clinical success rates.

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