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      Lignin is a complex organic polymer that serves as a crucial component of plant cell walls, particularly in wood and bark. It is synthesized through enzyme-catalyzed polymerization reactions, primarily composed of phenylpropane monomers such as coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, and p-coumaryl alcohol. Lignin can be categorized based on its structure and source into three types: (1) Softwood lignin, predominantly derived from coniferous trees, is rich in sinapyl alcohol monomers. (2) Hardwood lignin, primarily obtained from deciduous trees, contains a higher proportion of coniferyl alcohol monomers. (3) Herbaceous lignin, mainly sourced from herbaceous plants, includes a significant amount of p-coumaryl alcohol monomers. Lignin and its derivatives exhibit various pharmacological effects and biological activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.



      Becker, J. et al. Biotechnol Adv. 2019.

      Figure 1. Occurrence of Lignin in Nature


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive lignin metabolomics analysis to elucidate the metabolic pathways and metabolites of lignin within plants, thereby uncovering its biosynthesis and degradation mechanisms. For further information about our services, please contact us.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: Collection of plant tissue samples.


      2. Extraction and Purification: Chemical or enzymatic extraction and purification of lignin and its metabolites.


      3. Analysis and Detection: Detection of lignin and its metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS).


      4. Data Analysis: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of metabolites using specialized software to construct the lignin metabolic network.


      5. Result Validation: Verification of analysis results through biochemical experiments to confirm the metabolic pathways and products.


      Service Advantages

      High Sensitivity: Mass spectrometry provides high sensitivity for detecting trace metabolites.


      High Throughput: Simultaneous analysis of multiple samples, enhancing research efficiency.


      Comprehensive: Extensive coverage of lignin and its metabolites, offering detailed metabolic network information.


      Quantitative Analysis: Precise quantitative analysis, providing both relative and absolute abundance data of metabolites.



      Plant Biology Research: Elucidating the biosynthesis and degradation mechanisms of lignin to enhance understanding of plant structure and function.


      Bioenergy: Optimization of lignin degradation pathways to improve bioenergy production efficiency.


      Pharmaceutical Development: Identification of pharmacological properties of lignin and its derivatives to aid in the development of new drugs.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Sample Type: Plant tissue samples, including wood, bark, or plant cells.


      Sample Amount: Sufficient sample quantity as required for analysis.


      Sample Preservation: Fresh samples should be maintained to prevent degradation, preferably stored under low-temperature conditions.


      Sample Information: Detailed information regarding sample source and treatment is necessary for accurate analysis and data interpretation.

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