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    Liver Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Liver dysfunction and diseases increase the risk of infection, adverse drug reactions, and cancer. The main causes of liver diseases include alcohol, toxins, drugs, viruses, and autoimmune responses, etc. Traditional methods can only identify a subset of biomarkers, while metabolomics offers a new approach for comprehensive exploration of the mechanisms of liver diseases and drug targets.


      Liver Diseases Metabolomics Service1.png

      Xie, S. et al. EMBO Rep. 2024.

      Figure1. Study of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Based on Metabonomics


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs provides high-quality liver disease metabolomics services to clients worldwide. Using various mass spectrometry technologies, we can identify early biomarkers of liver diseases, reveal their pathological mechanisms, and facilitate the development of new drugs and the evaluation of therapeutic effects. Our services include:


      1. Metabolic studies related to liver diseases

      • Metabolomic studies of alcoholic liver disease
      • Metabolomic studies of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
      • Metabolomic studies of cirrhosis and liver cancer


      2. Discovery of liver disease biomarkers

      • Discovery and validation of early and specific markers for liver diseases
      • Non-invasive biomarker studies


      3. Mechanism of action and effectiveness evaluation of liver disease drugs

      • Pharmacologic and toxicological studies of new drugs
      • Evaluation of treatment outcome of drugs


      Experimental Instruments

      Our mass spectrometry technology platform, based on untargeted and targeted analysis, can detect thousands of metabolites from a single sample, providing powerful support for disease mechanism research, biomarker discovery, and new drug development.


      1. Chromatography Method

      • GC (Q Exactive) (- mode MS)
      • HPLC: HILIC (+/- mode MS)
      • HPLC: RP C18 (+/- mode MS)
      • IC (- mode MS)

      2. Mass Spectrometry

      • Q Exactive MS
      • Orbitrap Tribrid Mass Spectrometry


      MtoZ Biolabs is a mature partner in biopharmaceutical research with extensive experience in metabolomics analysis. Our liver disease metabolomics service is dedicated to supporting researchers and clinicians in the hopes of making breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment, and new drug development for liver diseases. If you would like to learn more, please contact us. We look forward to working with you.

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