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    Malvidin-3-O-galactoside Analysis Service

      Malvidin-3-O-galactoside is an anthocyanin compound commonly found in Malvaceae plants such as hibiscus and malva species. Its molecular formula is C23H25O12+. This compound is a derivative of anthocyanin, featuring an anthocyanin nucleus linked to a galactose molecule through a glycosidic bond. Malvidin-3-O-galactoside is water-soluble with high polarity. It exhibits red coloration under acidic conditions and turns blue in alkaline environments. This compound is sensitive to light and heat, making it prone to degradation under intense light or high temperatures. Malvidin-3-O-galactoside possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.



      Figure 1. The Structure of Malvidin-3-O-galactoside


      The extraction of malvidin-3-O-galactoside typically involves using water or ethanol as solvents. The process includes steps like soaking, centrifugation, and purification to achieve a high-purity target compound.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs uses liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to separate and identify malvidin-3-O-galactoside, precisely determining its molecular weight and structure. For quantitative analysis, MtoZ Biolabs employs high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) detection to measure its content in samples and study its distribution and metabolism in different biological samples.



      Figure 1. The Workflow of LC-MS Analysis of Malvidin-3-O-galactoside



      Food Industry: As a natural pigment, malvidin-3-O-galactoside is used for coloring food and beverages.


      Cosmetics: Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it is frequently incorporated into skincare products.


      Pharmaceuticals and Health Products: Given its biological activities, malvidin-3-O-galactoside is under research for developing drugs with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects.


      Service Advantages




      Sample Submission Requirements

      Please ensure the sample quantity exceeds 0.2 g or 0.2 mL.

      Cycle: 2-3 weeks



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Malvidin-3-O-galactoside

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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