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    Mannose Type of O-glycan Analysis Service

      Mannose-type O-glycans represent a subset of glycosylation patterns characterized by the addition of mannose residues to serine or threonine amino acids in proteins. This type of glycosylation is less common compared to the extensively studied mucin-type O-glycans but is critical for the proper folding, stability, and function of certain glycoproteins. The presence of mannose-type O-glycans is particularly significant in the modulation of immune responses and in cellular recognition processes, often involving interactions with lectins and other mannose-binding proteins. Research into mannose-type O-glycans is essential for elucidating the complex biological pathways influenced by these glycosylations. At MtoZ Biolabs, we offer the most comprehensive and reliable Mannose Type of O-glycan Analysis Service tailored for both academic researchers and pharmaceutical companies.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Our service leverages state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) techniques coupled with specific glycan release and enrichment strategies. First, we enzymatically release the O-glycans from the sample proteins. After labeling and enriching the O-glycans, we analyze them using our advanced mass spectrometry setup. The high resolution and sensitivity of our MS equipment ensures the accurate identification and quantification of even low-abundant glycan species.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Expertise: Our team of experienced scientists ensures high-quality data and professional interpretation.
      • Advanced Technology: Our advanced MS setup ensures high resolution and sensitivity.
      • Comprehensive Report: We provide a comprehensive report with both raw data and detailed interpretation.
      • Flexible Service: Our service can be tailored to meet specific research needs.



      Mannose Type of O-glycan Analysis Service is useful in:

      • Basic research on glycan structure and function
      • Biomarker discovery for various diseases
      • Development and quality control of glycoprotein drugs
      • Immunological research


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Proteins: ≥1 mg, 
      • Cell lines: ≥1x10⁷ cells
      • Tissue samples: ≥ 200 mg

      Please store your samples in a -80°C freezer and ship on dry ice.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Mannose Type of O-glycan Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing high-quality and reliable services to facilitate your research. Contact us today to learn how our Mannose Type of O-glycan Analysis Service can aid your study.

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