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    Mass Spectrometry Flow Protocol

      Materials and Equipment

      1. Flow Mass Spectrometer

      2. Samples

      3. Flow Mass Spectrometry Reagent Kit

      4. Polyurethane Filled Bottles

      5. Sieve

      6. Centrifuge

      7. Pipette Tips

      8. P1000 and P200 Pipettes

      9. Melt Reagent Box

      10. 1.5ml Centrifuge Tubes


      Sample Processing

      1. Melt the sample at room temperature. Transfer the sample to a new 1.5ml centrifuge tube.

      2. Clean the sample with a cleansing solution.

      3. Centrifuge the sample for 5 minutes at 10000rpm using a centrifuge.

      4. Discard the supernatant.

      5. Add the reagent and mix well.

      6. Incubate the sample in a 56°C water bath for 10 minutes.

      7. Centrifuge the sample for 5 minutes at 10000rpm using a centrifuge.

      8. Transfer the supernatant to a new centrifuge tube.


      Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      1. Turn on the flow mass spectrometer and preheat to 40°C.

      2. Add the sample to the mass spectrometry flow channel.

      3. Set the mass spectrometry analysis parameters, including but not limited to: flow rate, voltage, scan time, resolution, ion source voltage, etc.

      4. Start the mass spectrometry analysis and monitor the mass spectrometry signal in real time.

      5. After the analysis is complete, save the results and remove the sample from the mass spectrometry flow channel.

      6. Clean the mass spectrometry flow channel with a cleansing solution.

      7. Shut down the equipment and clean the workbench.



      1. All steps should be performed at the specified temperature and pressure.

      2. Please read the instruction manual carefully before using the equipment and ensure that all equipment is in good working condition.

      3. Please follow all safety regulations in the laboratory, especially when handling chemical reagents and biological samples.


      The above are the basic steps of the mass spectrometry flow protocol. The specific operation may vary slightly depending on the specific equipment and sample.

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