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    Meat Biomarkers

      Biomarkers are indicators that can be objectively measured and evaluated to reflect normal biological processes, pathological conditions, or pharmacological responses. These indicators encompass molecules, biochemical substances, cells, genes, imaging, or physiological signals, which are capable of reflecting the body's health status, disease progression, or therapeutic outcomes. Meat biomarkers specifically refer to biological molecules or chemical components that indicate the quality, safety, and freshness of meat. These biomarkers include microbial metabolites, oxidation products, metabolites, and protein degradation products. MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive meat biomarker analysis services, which can assess meat freshness through the detection of metabolites and oxidation products, identify microbial contamination by detecting microbial metabolites, and evaluate the nutritional value and edible quality by analyzing protein degradation products and metabolites. For service inquiries, please feel free to contact us.



      Boudon, S. et al. J Proteomics. 2020.

      Figure 1. Flowchart of the Workflow Applied for the Identification of Candidate Biomarkers for Beef Tenderness in the Muscle Using a Label Free Shotgun Proteomics



      1. Food Safety Monitoring: Detecting harmful microorganisms and their metabolites in meat to ensure food safety.


      2. Meat Quality Control: Monitoring the freshness and nutritional components of meat to ensure high quality.


      3. Supply Chain Management: Tracking the entire process of meat from production to sale to ensure food quality traceability.


      4. Consumer Protection: Providing a scientific basis for meat quality and safety to protect consumer rights.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Accuracy: Biomarker analysis offers precise assessments of meat quality and safety.


      2. Early Detection: Enables early identification of meat quality issues, preventing substandard products from reaching the market.


      3. Scientific Foundation: Furnishes a scientific basis for meat quality control and food safety, thereby enhancing consumer confidence.


      4. Customized Solutions: Tailors analysis schemes to different meat types and processing methods, thereby improving the specificity and effectiveness of the analysis.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Meat Biomarker

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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