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    Melatonin Analysis Service

      Melatonin is a crucial hormone predominantly produced by the pineal gland during the night under dark conditions. Known as the "hormone of darkness," it regulates sleep-wake cycles and seasonal biological rhythms. Melatonin's involvement extends beyond sleep regulation; it has significant antioxidant properties, modulates immune responses, and plays a role in protecting cardiovascular health. Accurate analysis of melatonin can aid in diagnosing sleep disorders, assessing circadian rhythm disruptions, and guiding treatment for various medical conditions. At MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize advanced mass spectrometry techniques to deliver precise and reliable melatonin profiling, providing essential insights into biological clocks and health status. 



      Xie X, et al. Synth Syst Biotechnol. 2022.

      Figure1. Melatonin Biosynthesis Pathways in Nature


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we dedicate ourselves to empowering researchers and clinicians with detailed, actionable data. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with cutting-edge mass spectrometry equipment, enabling us to perform highly sensitive and specific analyses of melatonin and other biomolecules. Our expert team is committed to excellence, ensuring that each analysis meets rigorous quality standards and is tailored to our clients' research needs. Partnering with MtoZ Biolabs means choosing a leader in biotechnological advancements, aiming to drive forward health diagnostics and therapeutic strategies. Our services include:


      • Sample Submission: Clients submit samples along with specific handling instructions and experimental requirements.
      • Sample Preparation: Samples undergo extraction and preparation optimized for melatonin detection.
      • Analytical Phase: Processed samples are analyzed using LC-MS or GC-MS, depending on the sample type and required sensitivity.
      • Data Analysis: Raw data are processed and interpreted using advanced bioinformatics tools.
      • Report Generation: A comprehensive report, including detailed analysis and interpretation of the melatonin profile, is provided.





      • Clinical Research: Understanding the role of melatonin in sleep disorders and psychiatric conditions.
      • Pharmaceutical Development: Evaluating the impact of drugs on melatonin levels.
      • Nutritional Studies: Assessing the effect of dietary supplements on melatonin production.
      • Chronobiology Research: Studying the effects of environmental factors on circadian rhythms.


      Service Advantages

      • Highly Efficient Sample Recovery and Processing
      • Accurate and Reliable Detection and Quantification
      • Capability to Handle Various Sample Types
      • Customized Data Analysis Services
      • Rapid Service Response and Cost-Effectiveness


      Sample Requirements

      • Sample Types: Blood, urine, saliva, animal and plant tissues.


      • Volume and Storage: Minimum volume requirements and specific storage conditions will be provided upon service request.


      • Shipping: Samples should be shipped according to provided guidelines to maintain integrity.



      1. Experimental scheme

      2. Instrument factors of MS

      3. Raw data files of MS and MS data quality summary

      4. Bioinformatics analysis report


      Leveraging our advanced LC-MS platform for melatonin metabolism analysis, professional bioinformatics software, and a team of experienced technicians and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs offers tailor-made melatonin metabolism analysis services with rapid experimental procedures and easy-to-read reports to accelerate your scientific research.

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