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    Metabolome Genome-Wide Association Study Service

      Within living organisms, a multitude of metabolic processes are blooming, and the metabolites derived from them constitute the material basis of life. Metabolome Genome-Wide Association Study (mGWAS) is to uncover the operating mechanism of life by analyzing the relationship between metabolites and genes in living organisms. With this, we can deeply understand the regulatory effect of genes on metabolites, providing more precise guidance for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


      Service at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we adopt a multi-step service process, including sample pretreatment, high-throughput sequencing, data analysis, and result interpretation, to ensure high-quality and reliable data for customers.


      1. We analyze the metabolites in the samples using advanced mass spectrometry technology to obtain a comprehensive metabolome spectrum.

      2. Through high-throughput sequencing technology, we obtain rich gene information.

      3. Our high-level bioinformatics team uses professional statistical methods to analyze the association between metabolites and genes.

      4. Our professional team will provide you with a detailed results report, including gene-metabolite network map, functional enrichment analysis, etc., to help you better understand the research results.


      Metabolome Genome-Wide Association Study Service1.jpg

      Aharoni, A. et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023.

      Figure1. Plant Metabolome Genome-Wide Association Study (mGWAS) Analysis



      Our service can help you solve the problem of genes' regulatory effect on metabolites, providing a foundation for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In addition, our service can also be applied to drug development, food safety, environmental toxicology, and other fields.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      To ensure the best experimental results, we suggest that the samples submitted by customers meet the following standards:

      • At least 200μL of blood, serum or plasma samples are needed.
      • Tissue samples should not be less than 50mg.
      • Samples should be frozen and transported under cold chain conditions.


      We firmly believe that your research will make greater breakthroughs through our professional technology and services. We welcome you to consult us or propose cooperation intentions at any time. Let's work together to promote the development of scientific research and create a better future.

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