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      Metals in biological systems refer to various metal elements present in living organisms, which play crucial roles in life processes. These elements can be essential trace elements, such as iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium, which participate in various biochemical reactions to maintain normal biological functions. Conversely, toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic can cause toxicity and health issues when present in excess. Analyzing metal content in organisms allows for the detection of essential metal element levels, the assessment of individual nutritional status, and the evaluation of health risks by identifying harmful metal concentrations. Abnormal levels of these metal elements can also facilitate early diagnosis of certain diseases.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers metal analysis in various matrices using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Our ICP-MS technology boasts high sensitivity and high throughput, making it suitable for monitoring nutritional status, assessing health risks, and identifying diseases related to metal imbalances. For service inquiries, please contact us.



      Mounicou, S. et al. Chem Soc Rev. 2009.

      Figure 1. ICP-MS-assisted Shotgun Proteomics Approach


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Collection and Preparation: Collect the samples to be tested (such as blood, urine, or tissues) and perform pretreatment procedures (such as digestion and dilution).


      2. Sample Digestion: Use acid digestion to dissolve metal elements in the sample.


      3. Metal Detection: Perform quantitative analysis of metal elements in the sample using ICP-MS.


      4. Data Processing and Result Analysis: Use data processing software to analyze the results, determining the content and distribution of metal elements to assess health risks and environmental exposure.



      1. Medical Diagnosis: Assist in diagnosing diseases through the detection of metal elements.


      2. Nutritional Monitoring: Assess the nutritional status of individuals or groups and develop nutritional supplementation programs.


      3. Environmental Monitoring: Monitor heavy metal pollution in the environment and evaluate its impact on human health.


      4. Food Safety: Ensure that the metal content in food meets safety standards.


      Service Advantages

      • High Sensitivity and Accuracy: Modern metal analysis technology can detect very low concentrations of metal elements, ensuring accurate results.
      • Multi-element Simultaneous Analysis: Techniques like ICP-MS can simultaneously detect multiple metal elements, improving analysis efficiency.
      • Wide Application: Metal analysis has broad application value in fields such as medicine, environment, food safety, and industry.
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