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    Methylation Protein Detection

      Methylated proteins refer to proteins that have undergone methylation modification. Methylation modification is vital to cell function and signal transmission, involving the addition of a methyl group (CH₃) to specific amino acid residues on the protein. This modification can alter the function, location, stability, or interaction with other molecules of the protein. Methylation can affect the stability, activity, and interaction of the protein with other molecules.


      Common Methods for Detecting Methylated Proteins

      1. Western Blot

      It uses antibodies specific to particular methylation sites to detect the levels of methylation in protein samples.


      2. Mass Spectrometry

      It detects protein samples through a mass spectrometer, which can precisely determine the sites and extent of methylation.


      3. Immunofluorescence

      It utilizes specific antibodies to label methylated proteins in cells, which are then observed under a fluorescence microscope.


      4. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)

      It uses specific antibodies to bind and quantify the levels of methylation in protein samples.


      5. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)

      It's specifically used to detect the methylation status of proteins bound to DNA.


      Each method has its advantages and limitations. The choice of method depends on the specific research objectives and types of samples available. For instance, Western blotting is suitable for detecting the methylation status of specific proteins, while mass spectrometry is more suited for identifying and quantifying methylation sites in total protein extracts.

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