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    MtoZ Biolabs Polyphenol Metabolomics Analysis: Comprehensive Identification and Quantification of Bioactive Compounds

      Polyphenols are a diverse group of naturally occurring compounds widely distributed in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and other plant-based foods. They play a crucial role in various biological processes, including acting as antioxidants, modulating enzyme function, and protecting against oxidative stress. They have important health implications, especially in cancer prevention, cardiovascular protection, and neuroprotection. Polyphenols can be categorized into flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, lignans, and more, with each class containing multiple compounds with specific biological roles. Our polyphenol metabolomics analysis service focuses on these complex compounds to help researchers understand their detailed functions and potential applications in health and nutrition.


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we leverage state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) techniques, along with liquid chromatography, to provide high-resolution identification and quantification of polyphenol metabolites. Our vast database contains more than 3,500 polyphenol-related metabolites, allowing for comprehensive coverage of various metabolic pathways and their impact on biological systems. This service is designed to support diverse research fields including drug discovery, nutritional research, and food quality control, where understanding polyphenol levels and their interaction with other biomolecules is critical.



      Our polyphenol metabolomics service is versatile and applicable to multiple research domains:

      • Quantifying Polyphenols Across Different Plant Samples: Understanding the levels of polyphenols in various plants helps in assessing their nutritional and health benefits.
      • Elucidating the Biological Effects of Polyphenols in Plants: Helps researchers investigate how polyphenols contribute to plant stress responses, growth, and development.
      • Determining the Nutritional Value of Food Products: Polyphenol content is a key indicator of food quality, especially in functional foods and beverages.


      MtoZ Biolabs Detectable Substances List

      Our comprehensive database covers a broad spectrum of polyphenols, including:

      ✅ Flavonoids

      Includes subcategories such as flavones, flavonols, and flavanones, with a detailed breakdown of compounds like catechins and isoflavones. Our database contains over 2,200 flavonoid-related entries, providing extensive coverage of this critical class of compounds.


      ✅ Phenolic Acids

      Contains 1,300 entries, covering major subgroups like hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids. These compounds are crucial for their antioxidant properties and interactions with other plant metabolites.


      ✅ Other Polyphenols

      Includes tannins and lignans, critical for understanding plant-based astringency and structural integrity.


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      With the wealth of polyphenolic compounds in our database, we ensure researchers have access to detailed, actionable data that drives innovative studies in food science, pharmacology, and beyond.


      Advantages of Our Service

      Comprehensive Database: With over 3,500 polyphenols covered, we ensure the broadest range of metabolite detection, offering a detailed analysis tailored to your research needs.

      State-of-the-Art Mass Spectrometry: Our advanced MS platforms ensure high sensitivity and specificity, allowing for the accurate quantification of polyphenols even in complex biological samples.

      Broad Application Scope: Our service can be applied to various fields such as food safety, agriculture, pharmacology, and clinical research.

      One-Time-Charge: Our pricing is transparent, no hidden fees or additional costs.
      High-Data-Quality: Deep data coverage with strict data quality control. AI-powered bioinformatics platform integrate all analysis data providing clients with a comprehensive data report.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      We accept a wide variety of sample types including plant tissues, fruits, vegetables, and processed food products. Samples should be fresh or appropriately stored to ensure the integrity of polyphenol content. Detailed guidelines on sample preparation will be provided upon consultation.


      MtoZ Biolabs is committed to providing comprehensive, accurate, and timely polyphenol metabolomics analysis to advance your research. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can support your specific needs. MtoZ Biolabs, an integrated Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (MS) Services Provider, providing advanced proteomics, metabolomics, and biopharmaceutical analysis services to researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical fields. Our ultimate aim is to provide more rapid, high-throughput, and cost-effective analysis, with exceptional data quality and minimal sample consumption.

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