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    Multipathway Phosphoproteomics Service

      Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification where amino acid residues in proteins are phosphorylated by kinases, which attach covalently bonded phosphate groups. This modification alters proteins' conformation, potentially activating, deactivating, or changing their functions. Research into protein phosphorylation enhances our understanding of biological processes and helps to define the mechanisms of diseases linked to abnormal phosphorylation levels. Due to the low concentration and broad dynamic range of phosphorylated proteins in biological samples, enrichment of phosphorylated peptides is essential before performing quantitative proteomics to increase the detectability of these modifications.


      MtoZ Biolabs employs the Multi-Pathway Enrichment Kit from CST company, along with Thermo Fisher's Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer and nanoLC, to offer comprehensive services in multipath protein phosphorylation proteomics. Clients need only specify their research goals and submit their samples; MtoZ Biolabs manages all subsequent steps including protein extraction, digestion, phosphorylated peptide enrichment, peptide separation, mass spectrometric analysis, analysis of raw data, and bioinformatics.


      Analysis Workflow



      Figure 1. Multipath Protein Phosphorylation Proteomics


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. For Tissue Samples 

      Ship on dry ice; minimum requirements are 200 mg for plant tissues, 1 mL for blood (plasma should be anticoagulated with EDTA), 0.5 mL for serum, 2 mL for urine, 1 g for animal tissues, and 5*107 cells for cell samples. Yeast and microorganisms should have a dry weight of 200 mg.


      2. For Protein Samples 

      Ensure a minimum of 1 mg total protein. Use standard lysis solutions for tissue and cell extraction.


      3. Sample Shipping

      Transport samples with adequate dry ice and opt for expedited shipping to minimize degradation risks during transit.


      4. Sample Testing

      We evaluate all samples before commencing the actual experiments. Testing must confirm sample integrity before proceeding with formal analyses.

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