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    N-Terminal Sequencing

      N-terminal sequencing is a critical technique for determining the amino acid sequence of a protein's N-terminus, the starting point of protein synthesis. This method is essential for confirming the identity of a protein, understanding its functionality, and studying post-translational modifications. At MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize two primary methods for N-terminal sequencing: mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. Mass spectrometry provides rapid and sensitive analysis, suitable for complex mixtures, whereas Edman degradation offers precise sequencing for purified proteins. The choice between these techniques depends on the sample's complexity and the required sequencing depth, allowing us to tailor our approach to meet specific research needs.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs


      MtoZ Biolabs is committed to enabling breakthroughs in protein research with our state-of-the-art proteomics services. Our N-terminal sequencing service not only determines the amino acid sequence but also helps in verifying protein integrity and functionality. By choosing our services, researchers can achieve precise characterization of their proteins, aiding in biomarker discovery, drug development, and a deeper understanding of biological processes.


      Service Workflow




      Service Advantages





      Our N-Terminal Sequencing service is widely applied in:


      1. Discovery of new proteins or peptides.

      2. Studies on protein modifications.

      3. Biotherapeutic protein characterization.

      4. Vaccine development.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Quantity: A minimum of 10 µg of protein is required.
      • Purity: Samples should be at least 90% pure.
      • Format: Proteins can be submitted in solution or as lyophilized powders.


      MtoZ Biolabs is committed to providing the best-in-class services to facilitate your research. Contact us today to learn more about our N-Terminal Sequencing service.

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