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    N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside Analysis Service

      N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside (iP9G) is a cytokinin glucoside, a class of plant growth substances that participate in the regulation of various physiological processes, including cell division and differentiation, shoot initiation and growth, leaf senescence, and response to environmental stimuli. Given the pivotal role of cytokinins, the study of iP9G is of great significance in understanding plant physiology and enhancing crop performance. The analysis of iP9G helps in discerning the roles and mechanisms of cytokinins in plant physiology, which, in turn, provides valuable insights into the development of strategies for crop improvement. Furthermore, the quantification of iP9G can offer critical information about the plant's response to environmental changes and stress conditions.




      Figure 1. The Structure of N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide comprehensive analysis service for N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside, a crucial compound in the field of plant biochemistry and physiology. Utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques and our deep understanding of metabolomics, we dedicate ourselves to solving complex biological problems and accelerating your scientific research.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      We offer high-quality iP9G analysis service using our advanced LC-MS/MS platform, which ensures high sensitivity and accuracy. Our team of experts is experienced in handling diverse sample types and ready to help with your plant hormone studies.


      Our analysis workflow includes:

      • Sample Preparation: We accept a wide range of sample types, including plant tissues and cells. Our experts will guide you on appropriate sample collection and storage practices.
      • Extraction: We use optimized protocols to extract iP9G from your samples, ensuring high recovery and minimal degradation.
      • LC-MS/MS Analysis: Our state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS platform allows for accurate and sensitive quantitation of iP9G.
      • Data Analysis: Our bioinformaticians will analyze your data and provide a comprehensive report, including detailed statistics, interpretation, and visualizations.
      • Support: Our team provides continuous support and consultation throughout the process, ensuring complete satisfaction with our service.




      Service Advantages

      • Advanced LC-MS/MS platform: Our high-end platform ensures high sensitivity and accuracy.
      • Expert Team: Our team is highly experienced and proficient in metabolomics studies.
      • Comprehensive Report: We provide a detailed report, easy-to-understand visualizations, and expert interpretation of your results.
      • Excellent Customer Service: We offer continuous support and consultation throughout the process.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Contact us today to learn more about our N6-Isopentenyl-adenine-9-glucoside analysis service. At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing high-quality, reliable, and efficient services to facilitate your research.

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