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    Naringenin-7-O-glucoside Analysis Service

      Naringenin-7-O-glucoside is a chemical compound that is a member of the flavanone group, which is primarily extracted from citrus fruits. This compound is typically a pale-yellow crystalline powder, possessing several health benefits. Naringenin-7-O-glucoside exhibits potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and cardioprotective effects, and can be utilized in health care drugs, health products, certain cosmetic additives, and food. Additionally, as raw material for drugs, naringenin-7-O-glucoside-related medications can be employed in the treatment of numerous human health conditions.



      Figure 1. The Structure of Naringenin-7-O-glucoside

      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Given the extensive applications of naringenin-7-O-glucoside, it is of paramount importance to establish a precise and efficient method for its analysis in plant metabolites. At MtoZ Biolabs, we offer highly automated, accurate, and affordable analytical methods and equipment for naringenin-7-O-glucoside analysis.


      Our primary technique utilized in this service is high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). This technique is a powerful tool to tackle several challenges related to the analysis of naringenin-7-O-glucoside. Additionally, we offer refined extraction and purification steps to further enhance the sensitivity of the method.


      Technical Principles

      The analysis of naringenin-7-O-glucoside begins with the extraction of the compound from the sample. After the extraction, purification steps are employed to remove any impurities. The purified sample then undergoes HPLC for the separation of the compound. The compound is then detected and quantified through MS.



      Figure 2. Workflow for Naringenin-7-O-glucoside by HPLC-MS Analysis

      Service Advantages

      We pride ourselves on providing an efficient, reliable, and comprehensive naringenin-7-O-glucoside Analysis Service. Our experienced team is proficient in handling complex samples, ensuring high-quality data. Moreover, our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment allow us to deliver results in a timely manner.



      Our Naringenin-7-O-glucoside Analysis Service can be employed in various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, cosmetics, health products, and research institutions.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Fresh tissues >1 g. If possible, samples should be frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection, and then transferred to -80°C for storage.


      2. Product samples.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Naringenin-7-O-glucoside Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the most advanced and comprehensive solutions. Our Naringenin-7-O-glucoside Analysis Service ensures that our customers receive the most accurate results, assisting them in their research or product development.

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