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    Non-Targeted Metabolomics Service

      Non-Targeted Metabolomics is a comprehensive analytical technique used to qualitatively and quantitatively detect all small molecule metabolites in biological samples. Compared to targeted metabolomics, non-targeted metabolomics provides a broader metabolite profile, aiding in the discovery of unknown metabolites and revealing complex metabolic networks and biological processes. This technology has broad applications in biomedical research, drug development, nutrition, and environmental science. Through comprehensive analysis of metabolites, it offers deep insights into the dynamic changes and physiological and pathological states of biological systems.


      Our non-targeted metabolomics service employs high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and nalo-liquid chromatography(nalo-LC), combined with advanced data processing and analysis software, to comprehensively and accurately detect and identify metabolites in samples. Through sample preparation, chromatographic separation, and mass spectrometry detection, we provide highly sensitive and high-resolution metabolomics data, ensuring broad metabolite coverage and accurate identification.


      Analysis Workflow



      Figure 1. Non-Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Workflow


      Date Analysis




      Services at MtoZ Biolabs


      Plant Metabolomics

      Animal Metabolomics

      Microbial Metabolomics

      Exosome Metabolomics


      Service Advantages




      Sample Submission Requirements



      Please contact our technical team for more detailed requests for samples.



      1. Disease Research: Reveal disease metabolic mechanisms and discover potential biomarkers through profiling.


      2. Drug Development: Evaluate the impact of drugs on metabolic pathways to aid in new drug development and therapy optimization.


      3. Nutritional Research: Analyze metabolic changes under different dietary conditions, providing scientific evidence for nutritional regulation and supplementation.


      4. Environmental Science: Study the impact of environmental factors on the metabolome and assess the biological effects of environmental pollution.

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