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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Antibody Drug

      Antibody drugs are a class of drugs that treat diseases through artificially synthesized antibodies. They achieve therapeutic purposes by specifically binding to target molecules. Common types of antibody drugs include monoclonal antibodies, artificially synthesized antibody fragments, immunotoxins, antibody-drug conjugates, etc. Antibody drugs have shown significant efficacy in the treatment of various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, immune regulation, and ophthalmic diseases. In antibody drug research, dissecting the high-level structure is very important for understanding its pharmacodynamic activity, stability, transmission pathways, and toxicity.


      Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis is an essential method for studying the structure of antibody drugs. The basic principle is that when nuclei (such as hydrogen atoms) are placed in an external magnetic field, they generate two or more energy levels. When magnetic nuclei absorb radiofrequency pulses of a specific frequency, they transition between these energy levels. The absorbed radiofrequency energy is related to the chemical environment of the atomic nucleus, and by measuring this energy, detailed information about protein structure can be obtained. With the help of multidimensional NMR techniques, we can acquire detailed information about macromolecules such as antibodies. In antibody drug research, NMR is commonly used to determine the three-dimensional structure of antibodies, study the interactions between antibodies and antigens, and explore the dynamic properties of antibodies. This information allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action of antibody drugs, optimize their design, and enhance their stability and bioactivity to meet therapeutic needs.


      MtoZ Biolabs uses NMR spectroscopy combined with GPC separation methods to meet your needs for antibody drug sequencing and structural analysis. Based on NMR spectroscopy, the polymer analysis service combined with the GPC separation method provides you with an NMR detection platform to help you characterize, develop, etc., of antibody drugs.

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