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    Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds Analysis Service

      The health benefits of olive oil are well-documented, and it is widely believed that phenolic compounds found in olive oil contribute to some of these benefits.


      The types and concentrations of phenolic compounds vary significantly in plant tissues. Oleuropein is the most prominent phenolic compound in olives. The oleuropein molecule comprises three parts: a polyphenol, named 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol-1,2-diol (also known as hydroxytyrosol or HT), an elenolic acid (a type of secoiridoid), and a glucose molecule. Oleuropein exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-cancer, and anti-aging effects, making it a popular food supplement in Mediterranean countries.


      Hydroxytyrosol, a phenylacetaldehyde, is the main degradation product of oleuropein. During the fruit's ripening process or olive processing (such as olive oil production), the concentration of oleuropein decreases while hydroxytyrosol increases. Hydroxytyrosol has been reported to potentially affect blood lipid levels.


      Another significant compound in olives is tyrosol, also found in green wine and green tea. While tyrosol has relatively low antioxidant activity, it is more stable due to low auto-oxidation. Epidemiological studies suggest a strong correlation between a biophenol-rich diet and a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, likely due to tyrosol's antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative damage.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers reliable, rapid, and cost-effective phenolic and secoiridoid compounds analysis services and utilizes advanced LC-MS/MS systems for high stability, reproducibility, and sensitivity in its separation, characterization, identification, and quantification.


      Comprehensive Analysis of  Phenols in Olive Oil Provided by MtoZ Biolabs 

      1. Oleuropein

      2. Hydroxytyrosol

      3. Tyrosol

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