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    p-Cresol Sulfate Ammonium Salt Analysis Service

      p-Cresol sulfate ammonium salt, with molecular formula being C₇H₈O₄S, is formed by the sulfonation of the p-cresol (4-methylphenol) group at the para position, with the sulfate group forming a salt with ammonium ions. p-Cresol sulfate (PCS) is a key uremic toxin produced by the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine by gut microbiota. It is commonly found in the blood of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with various pathological conditions. Due to its protein-bound nature, PCS is difficult to remove via dialysis, making it a significant biomarker and therapeutic target in nephrology. The quantification and analysis of p-cresol sulfate ammonium salt in biological samples are typically performed using mass spectrometry (MS) coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These methods allow for the precise measurement of PCS levels, which is crucial for monitoring disease progression and the efficacy of therapeutic interventions.



      Figure 1. The Structure of p-Cresol Sulfate Ammonium Salt


      Leveraging our advanced liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) platform and proficient metabolomics team, MtoZ Biolabs delivers top-notch p-Cresol Sulfate Ammonium Salt Analysis Service. Our service guarantees comprehensive analysis of p-cresol sulfate ammonium salt, ensuring high sensitivity and accuracy.


      Analysis Workflow 




      Service Advantages

      1. Continuously optimized experimental protocols and advanced instrument


      2. Professional experimental design


      3. Rapid turnaround time


      4. High accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity



      • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of p-cresol sulfate ammonium salt
      • Determination of pharmacological effects
      • Lays a foundation for further research and studies


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Types

      Serum, plasma, urine, tissues, and other biological samples. Each sample should have more than 3 materials under identical conditions.


      2. Sample Volume

      • Animal tissue ≥ 50 mg
      • Plant tissue ≥ 100 mg
      • Serum/ Plasma ≥ 100 μL
      • Urine ≥ 1 mL


      3. Sample Preservation

      Store at -80°C to maintain stability.


      Note: Provide details on sample collection and handling.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on p-Cresol Sulfate Ammonium Salt

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      With our p-cresol sulfate ammonium salt analysis service, we strive to advance your research and product development by delivering accurate and dependable results.

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