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    Palmitoleate Analysis Service

      Palmitoleate is a monounsaturated fatty acid predominantly found in adipose tissue, liver, and muscle. It plays a significant role in metabolic regulation and has been recognized as a lipokine, influencing systemic lipid metabolism. Recent studies have highlighted its beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, anti-inflammatory properties, and potential to protect against metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, palmitoleate serves as a biomarker for various physiological and pathological conditions, making its precise quantification crucial for understanding its biological roles and implications in human health. MtoZ Biolabs offers a specialized Palmitoleate Analysis Service utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques to deliver high-precision results. 




      Figure 1. The Structure of Palmitoleate


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Rapid Analysis Cycle and Cost-Effectiveness
      • Stable, Reliable, and Highly Sensitive Results
      • Comprehensive One-Stop Service for Extensive Testing Needs
      • User-Friendly Operation with Wide Application Scope
      • Supported by Extensive Bioanalytical Resources and Advanced Platforms



      Our palmitoleate analysis service can be applied in:

      • Lipid metabolism research
      • Disease biomarker discovery
      • Therapeutic target identification
      • Nutritional studies


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Types

      Serum, plasma, urine, tissue and other biological samples.


      2. Sample Volume

      At least 200 μL of liquid sample or 200 mg of solid sample.


      3. Sample Preservation

      Samples should be stored at -80°C to maintain stability.


      Note: Clients should provide detailed information about sample collection and handling.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography / Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Palmitoleate Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      For more information or to request our palmitoleate analysis service, please contact our customer service team. At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing you with high-quality, reliable results to aid in your research.

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