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    Peptide Drug Elemental Analysis

      Peptide drugs are bioactive molecules formed by the connection of multiple amino acids through peptide bonds. Typically, they are composed of 10 to 100 amino acids, with a relative molecular mass of less than 10,000. Most peptide drugs derive from endogenous peptides or natural peptides, therefore, they have few or no side effects on the body. At present, peptide drugs have been widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, certain cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and so on, showing a broad application prospect.


      Peptide drug elemental analysis refers to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elements in peptides. Peptides consist of amino acid residues, which contain a variety of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. The main purpose of elemental analysis is to determine the content of various elements in the drug to ensure the quality and purity of the drug, and to provide a basis for the monitoring and quality control of the pharmaceutical process.


      Common elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. can be determined and analyzed by using elemental analyzers or high-temperature combustion method. In addition, elements such as metals and metalloids can be analyzed through high-throughput elemental analysis means such as ICP-MS and ICP-OES.


      MtoZ Biolabs uses high-throughput inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and related substance standards to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis services of peptide drug elements for scientific researchers. We can efficiently and accurately detect a variety of trace elements such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, iron, mercury, nickel, lead, and molybdenum, and can simultaneously detect multiple trace elements, providing a flexible and reliable solution for elemental analysis. Please feel free to consult!

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