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    Peptide Sequencing Applications: Breakthrough in Protein Structure Characterization

      Protein is one of the most fundamental functional molecules in life, and its structure is closely related to its function. Understanding the structure of proteins is of great significance in revealing their functions and studying related diseases. Peptide sequencing, as a key technical means, provides a breakthrough for the characterization of protein structure.


      Peptide sequencing reveals the structure and function of proteins by determining the sequence of amino acids in proteins. The basic principle is to break down proteins into small fragments and then determine the mass and mass-charge ratio of these fragments through a mass spectrometer, thereby deducing the amino acid sequence of the protein.


      Methods of Peptide Sequencing

      The methods of peptide sequencing mainly include mass spectrometry and chemical methods.


      1. Mass Spectrometry

      Mass spectrometry is currently one of the most commonly used peptide sequencing methods. The basic steps include sample preparation, mass spectrometry analysis, and data interpretation. Sample preparation usually uses techniques such as colloidal electrophoresis or high-performance liquid chromatography to break down proteins into small fragments. Mass spectrometry analysis measures the mass and mass-charge ratio of these fragments through a mass spectrometer. Data interpretation uses computational methods to convert mass spectrometry data into amino acid sequences.


      2. Chemical Method

      The chemical method is another commonly used peptide sequencing method. The basic principle is to break down proteins into small fragments through a series of chemical reactions, and deduce the amino acid sequence by measuring the chemical properties of these fragments. Common chemical methods include Edman degradation and peptide synthesis methods.



      Peptide sequencing has a wide range of application value in protein structure research.


      1. Protein Structure Prediction

      Peptide sequencing can provide the amino acid sequence information of proteins, thereby providing an important basis for the prediction of protein structure. By combining computational methods and experimental data, the secondary structure, tertiary structure, and even higher structure of proteins can be predicted.


      2. Protein Structure Identification

      Peptide sequencing can help identify the structure of known proteins. By comparing with known protein databases, the amino acid sequence and structural features of the protein to be tested can be determined, thereby revealing its function and corresponding biological processes.


      3. New Protein Discovery

      Peptide sequencing can also help discover new proteins. By performing peptide sequencing on unknown samples, its amino acid sequence information can be obtained, and new proteins can be identified by comparing with known protein databases.


      4. Protein Modification Research

      Peptide sequencing can also be used to study the modification of proteins. By determining the amino acid sequence at specific sites in proteins, the modification methods of proteins such as phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation can be revealed, thereby understanding the functional regulation mechanism of proteins.


      Peptide sequencing provides a significant breakthrough for the characterization of protein structure. Through peptide sequencing, we can reveal the amino acid sequence, structural features, and modification methods of proteins, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the functions of proteins and related biological processes.

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