Peptide Sequencing Service | Nano LC-MS/MS
Peptides are molecules composed of two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of proteins, while peptides are intermediates between amino acids and proteins. Based on the number of amino acids, peptides can be categorized into oligopeptides (2-10 amino acids), polypeptides (10-50 amino acids), and proteins (more than 50 amino acids). Peptides play various critical roles in organisms, such as: (1) Signal Transduction: Peptide hormones like insulin and growth hormone regulate physiological processes by binding to specific receptors; (2) Immune Regulation: Certain peptides exhibit antibacterial, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties; (3) Neurotransmission: Neuropeptides function as neurotransmitters or modulators within the nervous system; (4) Cell Communication: Communication within and between cells depends on specific peptides.
Wang, B. et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2021.
Figure 1. The Workflow of De Novo Peptide Sequencing
Services at MtoZ Biolabs
Peptide sequencing involves determining the structure and function of peptides by analyzing their amino acid sequences. The common methods used in peptide sequencing include: (1) Edman Degradation: This method sequentially cleaves amino acids from the peptide chain through chemical reactions, and the amino acid sequence is identified using chromatography. (2) Mass Spectrometry (MS): This technique measures the mass of peptide fragments using a mass spectrometer, and the peptide sequence is deduced through database searches and bioinformatics analysis. At MtoZ Biolabs, we employ both methods for comprehensive peptide analysis to meet diverse needs of customers. Free project evaluation,Welcome to learn more details! Our technical specialists are available to provide a free business assessment.
Service Advantages
1. High Accuracy: Our advanced mass spectrometry techniques ensure precise and reliable sequencing results.
2. High Throughput: We are capable of processing numerous samples simultaneously, enhancing efficiency.
3. Versatility: Our platform is suitable for a variety of sample types, including complex biological samples.
4. Professional Team: All the research is supported by an experienced team of scientists, ensuring accurate data analysis and interpretation.
1. Drug Development: Assisting in the design and optimization of peptide-based drugs.
2. Biomarker Discovery: Identifying novel peptide biomarkers in disease research.
3. Proteomics Research: Analyzing protein structures and functions, providing insights into biological processes.
4. Food and Agriculture: Detecting and identifying bioactive peptides in food products.
1. Experimental Procedures
2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters
3. Detailed Information on Peptide Sequencing
4. Mass Spectrometry Images
5. Raw Data
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