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    Amino acids composition

      Amino acid composition analysis involves the quantitative determination of amino acids in protein or peptide samples to ascertain their relative or absolute content. This analysis enables the identification of amino acid types present in the sample, quantitative assessment of individual amino acids, and understanding of the overall amino acid composition, as well as the evaluation of the purity and quality of proteins or peptides.



      M. Michael, Gromiha. et al. Protein Bioinformatics. 2010.

      Figure 1. Amino Acid Composition for the 20 Amino Acid Residues in Globular and Transmembrane β-barrel Proteins


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Amino acid composition analysis is crucial across various fields due to its extensive applications and significant implications. It provides comprehensive information that aids scientists and researchers in gaining deeper insights into the structure and function of proteins and peptides, thereby accelerating scientific research. At MtoZ Biolabs, we offer amino acid composition analysis services that involve the hydrolysis of protein or peptide samples using acid or alkali to break them down into free amino acids. These amino acids are then separated via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), or ion exchange chromatography (IEC), and subsequently detected and quantified using ultraviolet (UV) detectors, fluorescence detectors (FLD), or mass spectrometry (MS).


      Service Advantages

      High sensitivity and precision: Capable of detecting and quantifying trace amounts of amino acids.

      Diversity and flexibility: Suitable for a wide range of sample types, including complex biological samples.

      Efficiency and rapidity: Modern analytical instruments enable swift and efficient analysis, allowing for timely completion.



      Protein characterization: Provides accurate characterization of protein or peptide composition.

      Research and development: Utilized in drug development, food science, and agriculture to explore new products or methods.

      Disease diagnosis: Assists in diagnosing certain genetic and metabolic disorders through amino acid composition analysis.

      Biological process monitoring: Applied in the monitoring of fermentation, cell culture, and other biological processes.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Amino Acid Composition

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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