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    Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) Analysis

      Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) are complexes that integrate monoclonal antibodies with small molecule drugs. Monoclonal antibodies specifically recognize and bind to antigens on the surface of cancer cells, while the conjugated small molecule drugs exert cytotoxic effects on these cancer cells. ADC analysis, crucial during the development of ADCs, evaluates their structural and functional characteristics, optimizes therapeutic efficacy, ensures the purity and stability of ADCs, and guarantees consistency during production. This analysis also elucidates the metabolism and distribution of ADCs within the body, providing critical data for clinical trials.



      Riccardi, F. et al. Front Pharmacol. 2023.

      Figure 1. The Structure of Antibody-Drug Conjugates


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive ADC analysis services, including the determination of antibody-drug binding sites and ratios, drug release rates and stability, the purity and integrity of antibodies and drugs, and drug distribution within the body. For further inquiries about our services, please contact us.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: Extraction of ADCs from cells or biological samples.


      2. Separation and Purification: Utilization of chromatographic techniques for the separation and purification of ADCs.


      3. Structural Analysis: Application of mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography (LC) for structural characterization of ADCs.


      4. Drug Release Testing: Assessment of drug release rates and stability under in vitro conditions.


      5. Biological Distribution Analysis: Investigation of drug distribution within the body using radiolabeling or fluorescent labeling techniques.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Targeting Efficiency: Achieves precise targeting of cancer cells through antibody specificity.


      2. Reduced Toxicity: Limits toxic effects on normal cells due to the targeted concentration of the drug in cancer cells.


      3. Multifunctionality: Capable of conjugating various types of drugs to achieve multiple therapeutic outcomes.



      1. Cancer Treatment: Primarily used in the treatment of diverse cancers, including breast, lung, and hematologic malignancies.


      2. Drug Development: Facilitates the screening and optimization of new antibody-drug conjugates in pharmaceutical research.


      3. Clinical Research: Supports clinical trials by validating the therapeutic efficacy and safety of ADCs.


      MtoZ Biolabs is committed to advancing the understanding and optimization of ADCs through our comprehensive analysis services, thereby contributing to the development of targeted therapies for cancer and other diseases.

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