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    Disulfide bond analysis

      Disulfide bond, also known as a disulfide bridge, is a chemical bond formed by the covalent bonding of two sulfur atoms, typically between two cysteine residues in a protein molecule. This bond plays a crucial role in the tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins, maintaining their stability and function. Proper formation of disulfide bonds is essential for the biological activity of proteins. Certain diseases are associated with disulfide bond abnormalities in proteins, and analyzing these abnormalities can provide insights into disease mechanisms. In the development of antibody and protein drugs, disulfide bond analysis is used to optimize and validate the structure of candidate drugs.



      Ren T, et al. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2021.

      Figure 1. The Structure of Disulfide Bond


      MtoZ Biolabs provides disulfide bond analysis services, primarily through reduction and non-reduction mass spectrometry, chemical modification, and enzymatic digestion methods to identify the location and existence of disulfide bonds. We offer free consultations to provide more detailed information! Our technical experts can also provide you with a free evaluation.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: Protein extraction and purification.


      2. Chemical Reduction: Reducing disulfide bonds with agents such as dithiothreitol.


      3. Enzymatic Digestion: Digesting proteins using specific enzymes.


      4. Mass Spectrometry Analysis: Detecting and analyzing digestion products through mass spectrometry.


      5. Data Analysis: Comparing mass spectrometry data under reduced and non-reduced conditions to determine the location and number of disulfide bonds.


      Service Advantages

      • High Sensitivity and Specificity: Mass spectrometry can precisely identify and locate disulfide bonds.
      • Versatility: Suitable for various types of proteins, including complex polypeptides and macromolecular proteins.
      • Structural Analysis: Provides detailed protein structural information, aiding in understanding protein function and mechanism.



      1. Protein Folding and Stability: Disulfide bond analysis can reveal protein folding status and stability.


      2. Structural Information: The location and number of disulfide bonds provide detailed information about the tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins.


      3. Functional Correlation: Some proteins' activity and function depend on specific disulfide bond structures; analyzing these bonds can help understand protein function mechanisms.


      4. Quality Control: In drug development and production, disulfide bond analysis monitors the quality and consistency of protein products.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Disulfide Bond

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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