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    Peptide Mapping

      Peptide mapping is a method used to analyze protein sequences by fragmenting proteins into smaller peptides, which are then separated and identified using chromatography and mass spectrometry. This technique is highly efficient and precise, and it is extensively applied in the study of protein structure and function. Peptide mapping allows us to determine protein amino acid sequences, verify primary protein structures, identify post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, and acetylation, assess protein purity, identify and quantify impurities or variants, and analyze the composition and function of protein domains.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Peptide mapping is a crucial tool in protein research, drug development, and quality control of biopharmaceuticals. Its high resolution, sensitivity, and versatility make it an essential technique in modern biological and pharmaceutical research. MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive peptide mapping services to support your research needs. Please contact us for more information about our services.


      Analysis Workflow

      The fundamental principle of peptide mapping involves enzymatically or chemically cleaving proteins into smaller peptides, which are then separated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and identified and sequenced using mass spectrometry (MS). The main steps in the analysis process include:


      1. Sample Preparation: Protein extraction, purification, and quantification.

      2. Enzymatic/Chemical Cleavage: Selection of appropriate enzymes or chemical reagents for protein cleavage.

      3. Peptide Separation: Separation of peptides using HPLC, with optimized conditions.

      4. Mass Spectrometry Analysis: Identification of peptides using MS to obtain m/z data.

      5. Data Processing and Interpretation: Analysis and comparison of data using specialized software and databases.



      Perrin, C. et al. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2016.

      Figure 1. Workflow of Limited Proteolysis and Peptide Mapping for Comparability of Biopharmaceuticals


      Service Advantages

      High Resolution and Sensitivity: Accurate identification and quantification of peptides in complex samples.

      Versatility: Comprehensive analysis of protein structure, function, and modifications.

      High Throughput: Simultaneous analysis of multiple samples, enhancing experimental efficiency.

      Accuracy: Detailed information on protein sequences and modifications, ensuring data reliability.



      New Drug Development: Identification of drug target proteins, aiding in drug design and optimization.

      Quality Control of Biopharmaceuticals: Monitoring protein purity and consistency during biopharmaceutical production.

      Protein Engineering: Optimization of protein structures to improve stability and functional activity.

      Biomarker Discovery: Identification and validation of disease-related biomarkers through protein analysis.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Peptide Mapping

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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