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    Pharmacometabolomics Service

      Pharmacometabolomics, also known as drug metabolomics, is a nascent research field that mainly studies the metabolism of drugs in organisms and metabolites. This field encompasses drug metabolism, pharmacodynamics, pharmacology, toxicology, and more, providing a new perspective to comprehensively understand the behavior of drugs in the body. Pharmacometabolomics can help us understand the mechanism of action of drugs, optimize drug doses, predict drug side effects, and improve drug efficacy.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs has profound technical expertise and extensive project experience in the field of drug metabolomics. Our professional team possesses high-end technical capabilities and offers analysis services that comply with FDA and EMA standards, ensuring that every step in the drug development process meets regulatory requirements. We can assist clients with the following issues:

      • Assess the metabolism of drugs in the body.
      • Study the production and elimination of drug metabolites.
      • Predict drug side effects and toxicity.
      • Understand the mechanism of action of drugs.


      Pharmacometabolomics Service1.png

      Amaro, F. et al. Pharmaceuticals. 2022. 

      Figure 1. Overview of a Representative Pharmacometabolomics Workflow


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: We accept a variety of sample types, including blood, urine, tissues, and provide customized sample processing plans for each sample.


      2. Mass Spectrometry Analysis: We use the most advanced mass spectrometry equipment for analysis to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the results.


      3. Data Processing: Our data processing workflow includes mass spectrometry data preprocessing, metabolite annotation, statistical analysis, and bioinformatics analysis.


      4. Result Interpretation: Our team of scientists will provide an in-depth interpretation of the results and provide detailed reports.


      Service Advantages

      • Highly professional team: Our team is composed of experienced scientists specializing in pharmacometabolomics research.
      • Advanced equipment: We use the most advanced mass spectrometry equipment for analysis to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the results.
      • Customized solutions: We provide customized solutions for each project to meet different customer needs.



      • drug development
      • clinical research
      • toxicology research


      Sample Requirements

      1. Sample type: Blood, urine, tissue, etc.

      2. Sample quantity: More than 100ul

      3. Sample quality: No obvious precipitation, no microbial contamination


      We sincerely invite you to cooperate with us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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