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    Plant Root System IEF-Based Protein Isoelectric Point Analysis

      Plant root systems are the main sites for interaction with the soil, where proteins play a key role in regulating plant growth, nutrient absorption, and response to environmental stress. Through IEF technology, researchers can isolate proteins in root samples, and then identify them with other techniques (such as mass spectrometry) to understand their functions.


      Based on the principle of Isoelectric Focusing (IEF), MtoZ Biolabs has established a detection platform for the isoelectric point of proteins in different plant root systems, which can accurately measure the isoelectric point of plant root system proteins.


      Technical Background

      IEF is a very effective technique for analyzing protein isoelectric points. It takes advantage of the fact that proteins have zero charge at their isoelectric point. Charged proteins migrate in the opposite direction during electrophoresis. When they reach their isoelectric point (where the pH value makes the protein no longer charged), the current reaches a minimum and no longer moves, thereby achieving the purpose of detecting the isoelectric point of root proteins. The process of IEF isoelectric point analysis is as follows.


      1. Sample Preparation

      First, extract proteins from the plant root system and perform appropriate treatment to remove interfering substances.


      2. pH Gradient Preparation

      Use a gel or membrane with a pH gradient, which covers the pI range of the proteins to be separated.


      3. Isoelectric Focusing Electrophoresis

      Apply the protein sample to the pH gradient medium, then apply an electric field. The proteins will migrate and focus at their isoelectric point.


      4. Post-Processing

      After electrophoresis, proteins can be stained, scanned and analyzed, or further used for mass spectrometry analysis to identify them.


      Application Scope

      1. Growth and Development Research

      Analyze the changes of root proteins in the process of plant growth and development.


      2. Adaptive Response

      Explore how plants respond to environmental stress through root proteins.


      3. Nutrient Absorption Mechanism

      Research the role of root proteins in nutrient absorption and metabolism.


      4. Plant-Microbe Interactions

      Analyze protein changes in the interaction between roots and soil microbes.


      MtoZ Biolabs' IEF technology has the characteristics of high resolution and high sensitivity, and can accurately analyze the proteins in plant root systems. In addition, our team has a deep background in botany and proteomics, and can provide professional technical support and solutions for research. Feel free to consult for free!

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