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    Plant Stem Vein 2D-DIGE Quantitative Proteomics

      The vascular bundles of plants are their lifelines, responsible for transporting water and nutrients to the entire plant body. In this complex transportation system, proteins play a central role, supporting various biological functions of stem veins. To deeply understand how proteins in the stem veins interact with plant growth, development, and adaptability, the 2D-DIGE quantitative proteomics technique was born.


      2D-DIGE, or two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, is a method of separating proteins through electrophoresis, then marking them with specific fluorescent dyes, and comparing the expression differences of proteins in different samples. This technique has the characteristics of high sensitivity and high resolution, and can simultaneously analyze thousands of proteins.


      Service Advantages

      1. Deeply Optimized Sample Processing

      A unique protein extraction and purification process has been developed for the characteristics of plant stem veins, ensuring the maximum extraction of high-quality proteins.


      2. High Sensitivity Fluorescent Labeling

      We use advanced fluorescent dyes to ensure that proteins can be accurately and effectively labeled and detected.


      3. Advanced Analysis Platform

      Combining high-resolution electrophoresis equipment and mass spectrometers, we can accurately separate and identify proteins.



      Through the 2D-DIGE quantitative proteomics service, researchers can deeply understand:


      1. Key Proteins in the Stem Veins and Their Roles in Plant Growth and Development

      2. How Plants Respond to Different Environmental Stimuli, Such as Drought, Salinity, Cold, etc.

      3. Metabolic Pathways and Signaling Pathways in Plant Stem Veins


      MtoZ Biolabs' 2D-DIGE quantitative proteomics technology for plant stem veins provides a powerful tool for plant biology researchers, helping them to deeply explore the biological mysteries of plant stem veins. Our professional team is always committed to providing the most cutting-edge, highest quality proteomics services, and we look forward to working with you!

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