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    Plant Untargeted Lipidomics Service

      Lipids are indispensable molecules in plant biological processes, playing critical roles in cell structure maintenance, energy storage, and signal transduction. Plant lipids encompass a wide variety of classes, including glycerides, phospholipids, glycolipids, sphingolipids, sterols, and waxes. These lipids are essential for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes, modulating plant stress responses, supporting photosynthesis, and facilitating intracellular communication. Therefore, a comprehensive investigation of plant lipid metabolic networks is crucial for understanding plant physiology and the mechanisms by which plants adapt to diverse environmental conditions.


      Untargeted lipidomics is a high-throughput, comprehensive technology used to profile lipid metabolites in plants. Unlike targeted lipidomics, untargeted approaches do not focus on predefined lipid molecules but instead allow for the simultaneous detection and identification of both known and novel lipids in the sample using mass spectrometry (MS). This method offers high sensitivity and a broad detection range, enabling researchers to explore the full spectrum of lipid species present in plants, discover previously unknown lipid molecules, and understand their roles in plant growth, development, and environmental responses.


      With the advancement of MS technologies, plant untargeted lipidomics has emerged as a powerful tool to uncover the complexity and diversity of plant lipid metabolism and its regulatory mechanisms. MtoZ Biolabs offers cutting-edge Plant Untargeted Lipidomics Service, utilizing state-of-the-art MS platforms to provide researchers with a deep understanding of plant lipid networks, thereby supporting advanced plant biology research.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs, equipped with top-tierLC-MS/MS technology, offers all-around support for plant lipidomics research. Our core analytical process includes precise sample preparation, efficient liquid chromatography separation, and precise mass spectrometry detection, ensuring every lipid analysis achieves research-grade accuracy and reproducibility.


      Analysis Workflow

      1) Sample preprocessing: including sample collection, grinding, lipid extraction, etc.

      2) Lipid analysis: qualitative and quantitative analyses of lipids by LC-MS.

      3) Data processing: including preprocessing of lipid data, normalization, lipid identification, and quantification.

      4) Result interpretation: including identification of lipid species, changes in quantity, and statistical analysis of associations with diseases.



      Figure1. Plant Untargeted Lipidomics Mass Spectrometry Analysis Process


      Service Advantages

      1) Comprehensive: able to cover the entire process of lipid metabolism and delve into the biological functions of lipids.

      2) Accurate: can accurately identify and quantify lipid species through high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

      3) Sensitive: capable of detecting trace lipid species in complex biological samples.





      Sample Submission Requirements

      We provide flexible sample submission options for lipidomics analysis. For plant tissues, we recommend 200 mg, with a minimum of 100 mg. Plant seeds should be 100 mg, with a minimum of 50 mg. For fermentation broth supernatant, 2 mL is ideal, with a minimum of 1 mL accepted. For other special samples, please contact us for tailored guidelines.


      MtoZ Biolabs proudly offers high-sensitivity and high-specificity Plant Lipidomics Analysis Service. With our rich industry experience and advanced technological support, we are ready to meet the diverse needs in the field of plant lipid research. Please feel free to contact us anytime for more service information and technical support.

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